Chapter forty-two - Unleash the Goblin

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The elevator stopped and the doors opened, as the doors opened so did the ones in the room together with the lights.

Harry pushed Menken out of it as he pointed the gun at his back again. ''The spider venom, give it to me!'' Harry demanded.

Menken and Harry walked across several chambers all filled with biological weapons and suits, there were around six chambers filled with mechanical suits, two chambers with frost all over the glass, and the chamber where Harry and Menken and Harry were walking to.

All the chambers were lighten up by the same green light which lighted up the room.

''What is all this stuff?'' Harry asked as he looked around prodigiously. ''The future'' Menken said as he smirked.

Harry frowned and shook his head, he didn't believe him for a second. This was supposed to be the future, a hidden room underneath a tower filled with mechanical suits and frozen chambers.

Harry pushed Menken towards the chamber, Menken tripped and fell on the ground. ''Get up'' Harry said and he aimed the gun at Menken. ''No'' Menken said softly. Harry by charged his gun and looked malicious at Menken. ''How about now? Got motivation enough?'' Harry asked smirking.

Menken got slowly of the ground and walked to the chamber, the doors of the chambers worked on senor and open if somebody or something was moving in a radius of three feet. Menken and Harry walked to into the chamber, in the middle of the chamber was a small table with a labeled containment box.

'Araneus Oscorpeus' said the label. Menken opened the containment box and five small jars filled with spider venom emerged out of the box. Menken turned around to Harry who had the gun pointed right at his chest, right where his heart is. ''Load one on'' Harry said. "Please, dont make me do this. You'll kill yourself" Menken said.

Menken turned around and reached for the high-tech syringe, the syringe was not just an usual needle attached to a tube, it had an handle to make it even easy the grip. Menken picked up one of the jars of spider venom and loaded it into the syringe, while Menken was doing that was Harry trying to get his jacket of with one free hand.

''I't won't work. We ran every diagnostic test, apart from human trials..'' Menken said as he held the syringe in his left hand. ''You've actually run human trails, you're just to stupid to know it'' Harry said as he waved with his gun around Menken.

The gun in Harry's hand was continuously shaking and moving in small circles , but what could Harry do about it. His hands were twitching because of the disease what he was trying to cure, it was not just something he could control it or stop.

Menken looked at the syringe and then to Harry. ''Do it. Now'' Harry said and he pushed the gun onto Menken's chest. Menken took a deep breath and injected the spider venom into Harry's right arm.

The cold liquid transported itself slowly inside of Harry's arm. Harry looked at his hand which stopped with twitching and smiled. ''You've had it all this time'' Harry said laughing.

The liquid started to spread into his carotid arteries, where it started to ache. ''Probably just side effect, nothing to worry about'''Harry thought as he tried to ignore the lingering pain.

Menken looked at Harry who was visibly suffering in pain. Harry smiled and looked to Menken, it felt like the pain was gone which would mean that he was cured. The pain came back within two seconds and it had exhilarated, it now felt like Harry's skin was on fire.

Everything he felt around him burned, his clothes, his skin, his hair, simply everything what was attached to him. Within microseconds reached the spider venom his nerves system, and caused his veins to turn into a pitch black strain.

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