Chapter twenty-eight - The Truth

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Harry sat down behind his desk and held his head in the palms of his hands.

His eye caught a glimpse on some unread folders, he opened the files and a document showed up.

"What's this?'' Harry said as he read the title. 'Retroviral Hyperplasia....A cure?' The paper on top of the pile said.

"That name I remember it, my father mentioned it a few times before he...No I can't think like this, I won't think like this! I have to find a cure, no matter what!" Harry thought.

Harry looked at the first paper and searched for a possible formula for his cure.

'The spider venom trials were a great success, Richard managed to create a formula which might be the cure of my disease.

This antidote which Richard made will be able to cure more than just my disease, it will be able cure thousands.

Connors and I recently purchased the Ganali device, if only we can get Richard far enough to let us inject the possible antidote into the Ganali device..

If the formula works it would mean that humans can self-heal just like spiders and lizards can.

If only the human trails were on our schedule yet..We still don't know if the venom of the spider is compatible with that of a human being.

If the spider's venom is compatible it would safe the lives of millions including my own and that of my son...

Not only will it safe my life it will safe Oscorp as well. I made a deal with this military organization in Europe. They told me that they would keep on funding Richard's research as long as I would deliver.

I have several month to complete my prototype of Oscorp's Body armor exoskeleton. I made the design so that if the so called ''Soldier'' gets hurt it will walk and move for you.

So the ''Soldier'' is healing him or herself while the suit provides the movement in the body. Promising? Yes, but theoratically. We still need Richard's self healing protocol until we can finally test the exoskeleton.

I recently heard from one of my scientists who was investigating my blood, that they found a trace of 'exalirated Retroviral Hyperplasia'.

He told me that they had to examine how exhilarated it was. I didn't understand it at first what they meant by it, until now.

They examined some of mine and Harry's DNA and showed me the results.

For me it looked the same..I was going to die a slow and horrible death...But at least I have a slow death, I still have time to find a cure!

Harry's DNA wasn't the same as mine because of his mother's DNA. My wife Emily Osborn, had some kind of rare disease herself which she never mentioned to me. In the end it was her DNA that pulled the trigger.

Her DNA was the most outrageous mix with mine, which means that the Retroviral Hyperplasia had exhilarated in Harry's blood.

The scientist told me the most awful news about thirty minutes ago.....He said that Harry wouldn't live any longer than his 25th...

I couldn't tell him...I still can't, how can you look into a eleven year old kid and tell that he's going to die a horrible death?...

That's why I gave my butler the command to take Harry to a boarding school far away from here.

He wouldn't understand, an eleven year old kid wouldn't understand.... -Norman Osborn'

Harry's eyes locked and his whole body was paralyzed by the awful news he just read.

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