Chapter four - Rightfully Mine

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Harry walked out of his father's office and saw that Dr.Connors was standing in the hallway. He was leaning on the glass with his head down.

''Dr.Connors?'' Harry asked carefully. Dr.Connors looked up to Harry and they both smiled at each other. Harry held his hands in the pockets of his jeans and walked to Dr.Connors.

''Oh my, you're taller--You're growing up so fast!'' Dr.Connors said with a bright smile. ''How's school?'' Dr.Connors asked. ''Another fine example of a grown up, always asking about school..'' Harry thought. ''Good, I actually got a B+ for my biology test'' Harry said with a smile.

Dr.Connors gave him a high five with his only hand he had. ''That's great! Maybe you could help me with my research someday" Dr.Connors said smiling.

''Dr.Connors can I ask you something?'' Harry asked with a frightened voice ''Of course!'' Dr.Connors said. ''My dad wants something from Richard Parker, Peter's father..Do you know what it is?'' Harry asked quick.

Dr.Connors eyes grew bigger as he started to speed walk away from Harry.

Harry stood there alone all by himself, he didn't understand anything. What wanted his father of him? Harry walked to the elevator and pushed the button.

The elevator doors opened and one man was standing inside of it, Harry looked at the man and walked inside of it. ''What floor?''Kari asked ''ground' Harry said.

The man next to Harry was looking around nervously and his whole body was twitching. ''Are you alright?'' Harry asked. The man looked hazy at Harry and smiled.

''Yes! I just don't know how to get on the 74th floor..'' The man said. ''You must be new..'' Harry said.

''Yes, yes I am. First day as engineer actually. A proud one too, I'm so excited to work together with the most brightest minds of the world!'' The man said enthusiastically. ''Well, than. Never knew that anyone could be so excited to work here..But anyway. When Kari asks you what floor, you just say it..That's pretty much how things work around here, Kari's pretty much the voice of Oscorp. Ingenious, ins't it? '' Harry said with a friendly smile on his face.

''Yeah and Thank you uuh..What's your name?'' The man asked while he stretched out his hand. ''I'm Harry...Harry Osborn..'' Harry said. ''I'm Max, Max Dillon'' Max said.

Harry shook his hand and smiled to him. Max smiled and looked to the elevator doors.

''Wait did you say Osborn? As in Norman Osborn?'' Max said and he looked hopefully to Harry. ''Yeah I did, that's my dad...'' Harry said.

The elevator doors opened and Harry walked out of it. Around ten people pushed their way inside of the elevator. Max was no longer visible he was absorbed by the crowd.

Harry walked to the gates and looked at the woman who was sitting behind the desk. She smiled and opened the gate.

Harry nodded thankfully and walked outside of the Oscrop building. ''What am I going to tell Peter..Hi Pete, my dad wants something that your parents might have given to you six years ago ...That just sounds terrible...What kind of friend would ask something like that..''

Harry reached for his jacket to grab his cellphone, the only problem is that the homeless man stole it.

''Darn it, how will I be able to call Peter now?..I gotta..'' Harry stopped talking and stared at someone across the street, it was the homeless man who stole his jacket.

Harry crossed the road very fast he almost got ran over by a car and most cars were still honking at him, but he made it. He walked furiously to the man, who still holding his jacket as some sort of stuffed animal. ''Hey you!'' Harry said at the point where he could smell him.

It was disgusting, the smell of beer and vomit was all around the man. The man looked at Harry and quickly turned his head.

The man was in no condition to wlk or run away, in fact he was barely able to stand up straight. ''I was talking to you, give me back my jacket'' Harry yelled at the man. ''It's not yours..'' The man said as he showed his disgusting teeth.

''Yes it is!'' Harry said and he ripped the jacket out of his hand and showed the man a name card which was written inside of it.

''Can't you read, it says Harry Osborn! Not homeless person on the street'' Harry said furiously. ''The man looked angry at Harry and stood up, his whole body was shaking.

Harry thought that he could collapse every second. ''Osborn? As in Norman Osborn?'' The man asked. Harry looked peculiarly at the homeless man and nodded. ''Norman Osborn fired me last month, he destroyed my life! I lost everything because of him, I have nothing left but the clothes on my body'' The man said furiously.

Harry started to feel threatened and took a step back. ''And you're his son? Or something like that. You'll be my little message boy today..'' The man said and he raised his left arm which was holding a beer bottle. Harry ran as fast as he could just before the man could hit him with the bottle.

Harry ran into a dark alley and hid behind a dumpster. He heard some footsteps coming close to him and he closed his eyes. He was to afraid to get beat up or who'd know what that man would do to him. The footsteps came closer and closer, Harry's heart was pounding like a mad man as the sound of the footsteps stopped. Harry held his hands for his face and scrambled against the dumpster.

He felt one cold hand on his left shoulder. ''PLEASE! don't hurt me! I'll pay you whatever you want!'' Harry yelled still with his eyes closed. His hands became fist and his body was full of fear. ''I do not want your money'' A familiar voice said.

Harry opened his eyes and saw that Dr.Connors was standing behind him. ''I thought that you were that homeless man'' Harry said while he tried to control his heartbeat. ''It's okay, how about i'll give you a drive home ?'' Dr.Connors said.

Harry nodded and got off the floor. ''No offense, but how do you drive with only one hand?'' Harry asked. ''I don't. The insurance got that covered, I can take a cab every morning and I don't have to pay for it'' Dr.Connors said with a smile.

The two walked to the side-way of the street and got on the first cab they could find.

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