Chapter twenty-two - Emptiness

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''Mr. Osborn......'' Bernard said. Harry slowly opened his eyes and turned around. His eyes had a red colour and were swollen up.

He lied on the couch with his bloody clothes. ''I'm so sorry.....'' Bernard said and he tried not to hold in his tears. Harry sat up straight and stared at the wall without saying anything.

''Is there anything I can do for you?'' Bernard asked. ''N-no...'' Harry said with a sore throat. His throat felt like he yelled for 24 hours and then tried to talk normal again.

Bernard walked away and left Harry alone in the room. The phone rang and Harry looked at it without any expression.

The phone stopped ringing and the voice mail started, 'Harry, we're so sorry about your father.... But we have to make this decisions fast..You're the owner of Oscorp now...Do you want to keep it or give it so us?..Please call....' Donald Menken said through the phone.

Harry got of the couch, his body was all twitching and it looked like he hadn't have sleep in days.

He walked to the bathroom and took a shower. Harry looked at his hands and saw the blood drifting of his hands. He looked down at his feet and saw the blood disappear into the drain.

He got out and got dressed and sat down at the table. He stared at the chair across him, yesterday the would sit there during breakfast. ''Can I get you anything to eat?'' Bernard asked.

Harry kept on staring at the chair and shook his head. His hair was a mess and his eyes were incredibly swollen up, as if got stung by dozens of bees.

His appearance didn't really match with his clothes though, he wore an a white shirt and a tie and a gray pullover on it. It looked way too fancy for the way his face looked.

''At least let me drive you to school..'' Bernard said and he handed Harry his jacket. ''Okay..'' Harry said soft and putted on the dark blue jacket. Bernard and Harry got inside of the limousine and started to drive to the school.

Harry sat in the back and reached for his sunglasses in his jacket, the sunglasses were naples yellow and from the brand Oliver's People.

Bernard looked in his rear view mirror and saw that Harry looked out of the window without any expression on his face.

Bernard stopped the car and saw a yellow sign 'Diversion' it said with a large arrow to the right. Bernard followed the signs and opened Harry's window.

''Some fresh air will do you good'' Bernard said. Harry was still looking out of the window like a zombie until they accidentally passed the Oscorp tower.

''I'm sorry Harry, I didn't know that we...'''Bernard said. ''It's okay..'' Harry said. There were dozens of people standing all around the tower, most of them were journalist.

The path of cracked widows was been removed and replaced by new ones. Around seven police cars were standing at the gate of the tower and some policemen were investigating the ground and the windows.

''Look it's Harry Osborn!'' One of the journalist said. The large group of journalist ran towards the limousine and started to take pictures of Harry.

'Harry, How do you feel?''What happened?''Who's the owner of Oscorp now''Could you describe how it felt to lose your father?' Shouted the journalist to Harry. ''No comment'' Harry said and he closed the window.

They arrived at Harry's school and Harry got out of the car. He opened the door and walked into the hallway to his locker.

'Is that Harry Osborn?' 'I didn't know that' 'I heard his father got killed yesterday' Students gossiped to each other.

Harry opened his locker and stuck his head half way in it. He sighed and grabbed his timetable, he had science in classroom 203. He closed his locker and walked towards the stairs.

All the students stepped away from him and for the second time in his life felt he lonely.

Gwen and Mary Jane came walking into the hallway and saw Harry. They looked at each other and walked over to Harry.

Harry looked to them and kept on walking. Gwen and Mary Jane stopped in front of Harry and looked at him.

Harry looked down to the ground with a straight face. Gwen and Mary Jane both hugged Harry tightly.

''I'm so sorry..'' Gwen said. ''If there's anything I could do for you...'''MJ whispered in his ear. Harry slipped out of their arms and walked up the stairs.

Harry walked into the classroom and sat in the back all alone. He crossed his arms on the table with his head on them and started into the darkness.

''Good morning class!'' The teacher said and he walked into the classroom.

''I have some sad news, you might have heard in though. Yesterday one of the most respected scientist of all time passed away. I'm talking about the founder of Oscorp Industries, Norman Osborn.

Harry's eyes became misty again and he looked the teacher right in the eyes. ''Oh, I'm sorry..I dindn't knew that you were in this class'' The teacher said.

Harry stood up and walked out of the class, while tears fell on his cheeks.''Harry?'' Peter said. Harry turned around and saw Peter standing there with his backpack in is hand.

''I'm so sorry..'' Peter said and he ran to his class. Harry walked out of the school and walked towards the center of the city.

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