Chapter twenty-five - Funding

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'Halt, got an appointment or application?' 'I-I'm here to see Dr.Kafka' 'Please enter' 'Mr.Menken welcome!' 'What is this place?'

'This is..Ravencroft' 'This. is. Ravencroft?' 'Yes, not too shallow is it?' 'No, not at all. I just expected something more..' 'Hospitality, that's what they all say. Bu no matter, let me show you around. Please follow me'

'Who is that?' 'That is Mr.Menken is Cletus Kasady, one of our patients' 'Why is he here?' 'He was caught some time ago by Spider-Man, we simply transfered him into here. It's for his own sake and for all of us'

'What did he do?' 'Let's just say that Mr.Kasady has got some...problems..' 'What kind of problems? And what are you going to do to him?' 'All good things. We are going to help him..Cure him' 'Dr.Kafka, we need you in iso unit 5'

'Please follow me Mr.Menken' 'What the hell is that!?' 'That? You mean him' 'Him?' 'Mr.Menken I would like to introduce you to Max Dillon'

'Max Dillon?' 'Yes, an old employee from Oscorp industries' 'An old employee? I don't remember hiring one of the members of the Blue Man Group..' 'Yes, I see--Maybe this will refresh your mind' 'This is an Oscorp enployee file--but this doesn't make any sense, Dr.Kafka'

'Max used to work for you' 'F-for me?' 'Yes Mr.Menken, have a look at these designs of the power grid. Do they ring a bell?'

'Wait, I do remember. He was the original designer who submitted them to my colleague. He was a nobody, everyone walked right over him, as if he were an ant. He was practically invisible..'

'That's right Mr.Menken' 'What happened to him?' 'When Max Dillon fell in the gigantic tank full of eels his body was exposed too an abnormal rate of chemical electricity, which somehow reattached to his DNA. Which makes him a being who exists out of pure electricity'

'Why are you telling me this?' 'Because Mr.Menken we need your funding to continue our research' 'My funding?' 'Yes, the funding of Oscorp. You own it, right?'

'No...' 'But Norman Osborn died, right?' 'Yes, but his son Harry Osborn Oscorp' 'I need the funding!' I can't give you....Wait, you said that Max Dillon died in the Oscorp tower. Have the authorities been informed yet?'

'No' 'I think that I might know how to get your funding, but I need time' 'Very well Mr.Menken' 'And If I succeed I want full rights of this place!' 'I like your attitude Mr.Menken, we have a deal'.

'You're saying that Max here, exist out of pure energy. ..' 'That is positive' 'So why isn't he attack us or something, isn't he supposed to be incredibly dangerous to be around?'

'I do not agree Mr Menken, we've already taken care of that. Mr.Dillon is locked up in a specific iso unit to keep his electricity level low, so he won't be able to control the electricity in this...and just to make sure that Mr.Dillon stays incubated, is his body costantaly injected with sodium iopental'

'How? Isn't electricity a force of nature?' 'What are you saying Mr Menken?' 'Well, you can't contain electricity just like you can't contain fire or water. How are you able to control...him.?'

'That's very simple Mr.Menken, we've build military-grade biostim electrodes. High intensive capitators, which are the same as yours Mr.Menken. They're exactly the same as the ones you use for your new power grid design'

'How did you..?' 'You'd be surprised how much I know Mr.Menken' 'Why did you use the biostim electrodes, why not lock him in a room with water in the ceilings'

'Mr.Menken that's such a primitive thought, we are to help him, understand him. To find out why he is' 'Dr Kafka, we're ready!' 'If you excuse me Mr.Menken...' 'Is it okay if I stick around?' 'Be my guest'

'Maxwell Dillon, test one'

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