Chapter fourteen - Sweet Freedom

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The principal stood up and grabbed Harry by the neck. "Let me go!" Harry cried out.

The principal ignored him and dragged him out of the office. "You don't argue with me!!" The principal yelled in Harry's left ear.

"You don't have to shout!" Harry yelled back. The principal dragged Harry through the hallway and pushed him up the stairs.

The principal held Harry tightly and Harry couldn't free himself. "What were you thinking!? Speaking to a teacher and a principal like that?" The principal asked.

Harry ignored him and tried to free himself. They entered the hallway where the cabins were and went into a cabin with a rusty metal door. The principal released Harry and blocked the door.

"Finally, can I go now....eeuwh what's that smell?" Harry said and he turned around. Behind Harry were seven rusty, smelling toilets. "Clean 'em" The principal said.

"You're such a funny dude" Harry said laughing. The principals face remained straight and he looked at Harry furiously.

"I said clean 'em! Or we call your father and you'll be kicked out of here!" The principal yelled.

Harry's smile disappeared and he looked very afraid to the man. He didn't want to be expelled because his father would be even more disappointed of him. No, he had to do this on his own strength.

"Okay.....with what" Harry said. The principal grabbed a sponge which was on the floor and threw it to Harry. "With this?" Harry asked. The sponge was filthy and it was smaller than his hand.

The principal looked down at Harry and nodded. Harry slowly walked to the first toilet, it was brown with rust all over it and the small was unbearable. Harry took a deep breath and did what had to be done.

After one hour of cleaning toilets was Harry done, he dropped the sponge and walked to the principal. "See you tomorrow!" The principal said and he opened the door grinning.

Harry walked out of it and walked slowly to his bedroom. He opened the door and walked inside, not touching anything except for the doorknob. He lied down of his bed, he was twitching and his eyes were frozen.

The voice of the principal dazzled inside of his head ' You have shift for 4 months' 'or else we call your father'. "I..I gotta get out of here, I can't do that again" Harry said. He jumped of his bed and walked to the mirror on the wall.

His fancy clothes were all covered with dirt and his hair was a mess. The door opened and Eddie walked into the room.

"What happened to you?" Eddie asked. "The principal, that's what happened!" Harry yelled to Eddie.

"Okay calm down, why are you covered in dirt?" Eddie asked. "Cause that....Man....Made me clean all the toilets...Do you the inside of a toilet looks like...DO YOU?" Harry asked furiously. "Harry! calm down! its okay" Eddie said.

Harry tried to calm down and sat down on his bed. "Sorry...I just...It's too much..." Harry said. Eddie walked over to the other bed and sat down. "What are you saying?" Eddie said.

"I want to get out of here!" Harry said. "How?" Eddie asked. "I don't know, but I'll do it tonight. How sooner I'll leave, the sooner I will have my freedom back. And maybe my old life.." Harry said. "So where are you going? You know, when you succeed to escape?" Eddie asked. 

"I don't know...I mean I don't want to get back to New York, maybe I'll go to Europe" Harry said. "How are you going to break out of here, the teachers walk around all night, as if they're cyborgs or something like that" Eddie said.

"I don't care! I'll find a way, I always do. You wanna come with?" Harry asked. Eddie looked Harry in the eyes and shook his head. "No, I really need the scholarship, I..I uuhh..You know..At home and all..." Eddie said. "Yeah, I get it. Suit yourself" Harry said and he smiled to Eddie.

It was starting to get dark and the whether was horrible. Rain poured on the windows and lightning stroke every once in a while. Harry sat on his bed thinking about a way to get out.

There was knock on the door and the door opened. It was Eddie with a plate in his hands. Harry looked up to him in confusion. "Oh the plate... I thought that you'd might be hungry" Eddie said smiling and he handed over the plate to Harry.

"Thanks!" Harry said and he looked done at the plate. "I gotta go though...The school wants me to take pictures of the cafeteria" Eddie said.

"Bye, oh and Eddie thank you for being so kind to me. It really means a lot" Harry said and he smiled to Eddie. Eddie nodded and walked away from Harry, he opened the door and stood still in the doorway. ''Harry?'' Eddie asked. Harry looked up to Eddie and smiled. ''When things get hard, life tells you that you're alive. If things were easy nobody would reach the stars...So chin up! You'll make it, I'm sure you will'' Eddie said and he closed he door on his way out. 

Harry looked down at the plate and felt nauseous. He wasn't hungry at all, all he wanted was to get out of there. He putted down his plate and walked to the window.

The clouds were black and the rain felt down from the sky as if someone turned on a shower.

He looked down from the window and saw that there was no fence around the school. "What a minute that's it!" Harry said and he walked over to the two beds.

He ripped of the sheets and knotted them together. He opened his window, and the wind pushed threw the rain in his face. The rain felt like freedom to him.

He grabbed the seven feet long blanket rope and threw it out of the window, while he was holding the end with his hand. He knotted the end to his bed and took a deep breath.

He climbed on the window frame and sat down, looking at the ground. He grabbed the rope and let himself slowly fall down it. "Yes! It's working, I'm almost out!" Harry whispered.

He was around one feet away from the ground and he could feel the excitement rushing through his veins. His feet touched the ground and his hands let go of the rope. Harry took one last look at the window and walked away, while he was still looking at the window.

His clothes were instant wet because of the rain, although he didn't mind because he knew that he was out of that place. He took a step and felt a hard object standing in front of him.

Harry turned his head around and looked down at his feet, the only thing was that it weren't his feet. Harry looked up and saw the principal with an umbrella standing I front of him.

"So...Where do you think you're going?" The principal said grinning.

''Just peachy'' Harry said quietly. 

After this incident was Harry kicked out of the Chicago boarding school. His father was informed about this and sent him to another boarding school, one in Washington.

It was the same thing in Washington and he got kicked out of there as well. After that he went to San Francisco, Denver, Phoenix, Seattle and California . He stayed in California because he didn't care about his school life anymore. California was the place to be when you were young or rich, and luckily Harry was both. He still went to school although he skipped a lot of classes and partied all night, like a irresponsible spoilt rich youngster would. Raves, alcohol, no sleep and photo shoots with supermodels was how he rolled.

When Harry was in the 12th grade he received a call from a old acquaintance..

'Hello?' 'Hello, this is Donald Menken. Is this Harry Osborn?' 'Yes, why are you calling' 'it's your father..' 'He hasn't spoken to me in 7 years.. Stop fooling around, I wonder if he still knows if I'm alive! Why are you calling?'

'Harry....You're father is--He--He's dying' 'what?' 'I am sorry...' Menken hung up and Harry took the first plane to New York.

Meanwhile: Peter was bitten by a radioactive spider and transformed into Spider-Man. Uncle Ben died and Peter understood what he had to do... use his powers to protect others, yadda yadda yadda, you know the story. 

Anyway, Dr.Connors and Peter and met and Peter gave him the formula to regrow his arm. He transformed himself into the lizard. (He hasn't met Gwen Stacy yet). They battled and Spider-Man won. Dr.Connors got locked up in a penitentiary named the Vault. Peter is in the 12th grade.

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