Chapter twenty-nine - The Conversation

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Felicia walked into the elevator, the same elevator where Gwen was in. "Hi Gwen!" Felicia said smiling. "Hi, Felice" Gwen said joyfully.

'What floor?' Kari asked. '56th' Felicia said. "So how are you" Gwen asked and she looked down nervously at her feet.

Felicia looked at a tablet in her hand. "I'm fine, how about you?" Felicia said. Gwen was still looking out of the glass elevator nervously, she bit on her lip and her eyes noticed every move.

"Oh I'm fine, sorry I was kind of...Rushing" Gwen said. "That's okay, I'm kind of rushing myself" Felicia said.

"How come?" Gwen asked, in the hope that Felicia would know the same as her.

Gwen was rushing because she found out something horrible. Something what Oscorp buried in the book house.

As soon as Gwen came to knowledge this information, a group of security guards were already making their way to Gwen.

To make sure that was buried would stay buried. "Oh..I've got some reports to deliver..." Gwen said as she bit on her lip nervously.

She was looking at the elevator constantly, if the guards would see her she would be in big trouble. Oscorp doesn't like it when things don't go as they supposed to go.

"Yeah..I got some...reports as well..." Felicia said. Gwen and Felicia were pretty good friends, but they didn't get along out the walls of the Oscorp tower.

Felicia was always busy or had to do something, she couldn't reject.

"Hey Felice, since we never do anything outside of Oscorp was I wondering if you'd like to come to my party tonight?" Gwen asked and she handed Felicia the same card as she gave to Harry.

"Oh thanks Gwen..But I don't think that I'm able to make it..." Felicia said as she tried to hide something.

"Oh come on..It's not a real party anyway. It's a convention of the Daily Bugle, the paper?'' Gwen asked. ''Yeah, I know what it is'' Felicia said. ''Well a friend of mine knows the boss of the bugle, Mr.Jameson and asked if they needed any help with organizing the party..And well that lucky person came out to be me..It's not that I don't like to help out, but the guest are mainly the heads of the biggest corporations in New York, you know people like Wilson Fisk'' Gwen said.

Felicia nodded and looked out of the glass elevator.''Oscorp will attend the convention as well. That means that Harry is coming too. I" Gwen said smiling. "S-So?" Felicia said blushing and biting on her lip. "Don't you try to hide it, I know you like him!" Gwen said giggling.

"What no...Where would you get that idea..." Felicia said. Her face was almost as red as a tomato and the only thing on her mind was; Whatever you do, don't look into Gwen's eyes. "Don't deny it!" Gwen said laughing.

The elevator doors opened at the 56th floor and Felicia speed walked out of it. "You like him" Gwen said with a nasty face.

"I gotta get back to work Gwen, I'll see you tonight!" Felicia said as the elevator doors closed again.

"Yes, so you are actually going to show up right" Gwen said in the little peek between the two elevator doors.

Harry threw the grey cube on the table and opened some files as Peter said across him.

"My father left me all of his files. That's is all the work he has ever done. And I found a file labeled 'Peter'. You're gonna wanna see what's in it" Harry said as he opened the file and swiped them to Peter. There were pictures of Peter, aunt May, Uncle Ben, Richard and Mary Parker, Gwen and even pictures from him and Harry, which were taken yesterday.

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