Chapter forty-five - 1:21 AM

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Spider-Man shot his web at one of the capacitors and swung towards the top of the clock tower. "Harry! C'mon, put her down!" Spider-Man yelled. "Harry, please" Gwen said with a soft voice.

Harry gazed at Gwen and grinned in a macabre way. "Is..Is this a joke? Is this a joke to you?'' Spider-Man asked. Harry kept on staring at Gwen and ignored Spider-Man. ''HARRY! Put her down!" Spider-Man yelled as looked wildly around. Harry kept on staring into Gwen's eyes and tighten up his grip, making Gwen gasp for oxygen. "Damn it Harry! Let her go!" Spider-Man yelled.

Spider-Man shook his head in frustration and walked from one side of the dome to the other as he tried to figure out a way to get Gwen down. ''I've got it!'' Spider-Man thought as he walked close to the edge of the dome.

''Let Gwen go!'' Spider-Man yelled. "NO! I don't HAVE to do ANYTHING! Because I am the GREEN GOBLIN!" Harry yelled. ''The what?'' Spider-Man said softly. ''You like it, came up with on my own'' Harry yelled at Spider-Man who seemed confused.

''HARRY! Stop this right now!'' Spider-Man. Spider-Man struggled and shook his head constantly. "Okay..You wanna fight? Okay, let's fight! Come down here and fight me!" Spider-Man yelled to Harry.

Harry looked down at Spider-Man and started to laugh like a maniac again. "Do you really think that I'll give you the advantage! Did you really thought that you could fool me!?" Harry said laughing. "No, but you have always been easy to distract" Spider-Man said to himself and he jumped off the dome.

He shot his web at one of the capacitors and circled around it two times and let go off his web which launched him off immediately. He slithered through the air with an incredible speed right towards the clock tower.

When he reached the apex of the speed he shot his web right at Harry's glider. ''Yes!'' Spider-Man yelled as his web attached itself to Harry's glider. ''WHAT!?'' Harry yelled as he saw that Spider-Man's web was attached at his glider. Spider-Man yanked with all the strength he had at his web making the glider with Harry on it capsize.

Harry lost his balance and accidentally let go off Gwen while he retained his balance on the glider. ''No!'' Spider-Man yelled as he looked at Gwen falling down.

Spider-Man acted as quick as he could and shot his web at Gwen, and pulling her close to her until she was in his arms. ''Gotcha!'' Spider-Man said as he and Gwen fell down as a brick right through the glass dome of the clock tower. ''That fall must've nearly killed him..I better make damn sure he is!'' Harry said and he moved his left foot which caused a pumpkin bomb to drop out of the glider instantly.

Harry's eyes followed the bomb by every inch it moved, until it finally hit the fire escape stairs where Spider-Man and Gwen fell on. ''Blasted! They moved!'' Harry growled out and he started to lower down as fast as he could.

''Gwen?'' Spider-Man whispered soflty. Gwen slolwy opened her eyes and looked around, the were both laying down on a rusty fire escape right in the core of the clock tower. ''W-What happened?'' Gwen asked absent-minded as she saw a dark shadow coming nearer within every second. ''Peter! Look out!'' Gwen yelled as she saw that the shadow appeared to be Harry. Spider-Man turned his head around in a flash and saw that Harry was halfway in the clock tower already.

''Gwen duck now!'' Spider-Man yelled as he jumped up and onto the wall. Gwen ducked and closed her eyes, for she did not want to see Peter getting injured or hurt. ''Harry! Knock it off!'' Spider-Man yelled to Harry as he jumped onto the other side of the round wall. ''I won't rest until I see you DIE!'' Harry screamed out and he hovered to Spider-Man.

Spider-Man shot his web straightaway to the other side of the wall and then jumped to the other side as well. Once Spider-Man stuck on the wall he did it again, he shot his web at the other side and jumped. ''Harry, you're my friend. I don't want to hurt you!'' Spider-Man said.

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