Chapter nine - Party's over

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Harry walked through the high-tech hallway to the gates. The east gates were heavy secured and only a Osborn family member could open it.

Harry looked around to see if anyone was there, but everyone who was standing in the hallway was probably in the generators room by now.

The east gate was a large glass wall with a touchscreen display next to it. Harry looked to at the touchscreen and a laser beam came out of it right in his eyes.

'DNA approved, welcome Mr. Osborn' Kari said.

The gate opend and Harry stormed outside to the exit. He opened the door and saw a familiar face. "Hey Harr!" Peter said. "Hi! Yes you made it!" Harry said enthusiastically.

"Can I come inside or isn't it safe" Peter said. "No, please come inside, I took care of everything" Harry said and he let Peter in.

Peter stepped inside and looked amazed around. "So this is Oscorp?" Peter asked. "Yeah, well you know--Thr hallway to the east entrance" Harry said and he started to walk to the door.

Peter walked next to him and looked around amazed. He had never been into such a fancy building as the Oscorp tower before.

Harry held the door open for Peter and they both went up the stairs. Peter was amazed by all the spiderwebs around the stairs. "How do those spiders get in, there's not a single spot in Oscorp where the could get in" Peter said.

"I don't know, but I do know that I hate them...They're so sneaky, small, fast, hatefull, I just hate 'em" Harry said. "Well, I love 'em" Peter said with a smile on his face.

"Did you know that there are more than 32.000 kinds of spiders in the world" Peter said. "Pete, what makes you think I would want to know that" Harry said. "Who wouldn't want to know that!" Peter said.

The two reached the top of the stairs and opened the door. Harry took the first step out to see if there was anyone in the hallway.

"Okay, coast is clear" Harry whispered to Peter and walked out of the doorway, Peter followed Harry and shut the door.

They walked to the door where the party was being held. "Wait, if someone asks who you are... You're my cousin from Colorado who's name is Danny Osborn, okay?" Harry said. "Sure, but why Danny..why not Peter?" Peter asked.

"Because Dr.Connors is inside and he acted like lost his mind when I told him your name" Harry said and he slowly opened the door.

Everyone was having a good time and there was a lot of laughter and noise. Harry and Peter walked in and sat down on the couch.

"So this is Oscorp's staff?" Peter asked. "Yeah, we'll not everyone...the main staff do to speak" Harry said.

"Do you want a drink?" Peter asked. "Yeah sure, why not?" Harry said. Peter stood up and walked to the bar, and ordered two cokes.

Harry looked at Peter and saw that he was talking to Dr.Octavius. Harry stood up and walked towards them.

"Dr.Octavius, are you enjoying the party?" Harry asked to take the notice away from Peter. "Yes it's a lovely party, who's you're friend" Dr.Octavius said while he looked to Peter.

"Uhh.. This is my cousin from Colorado" Harry said. "And what's you're name young boy?" Dr.Octavius asked Peter. "I-I'm Danny Osborn" Peter said.

Dr.Octavius smiled at both Peter and Harry. "Nice to meet you Danny" Dr.Octavius said. "That's odd, I didn't know that you had any other family" Dr.Connors said.

Harry and Peter turned around and looked at Dr.Connors. Harry looked at him in horror, he couldn't know that his name Peter Parker. "Well I do, and he is the alive evidence"Harry said and he looked to Peter.

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