Chapter fifteen - Welcome back

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The limousine pulled over and Harry stepped out of it. He looked up and felt the sun burning on his face. He squeezed his eyes together and held his hand in the pocket of his jeans, grabbed out his black sunglasses and put it on his face.

He sighed and looked blankly at the large mansion."This way" said Menken ruthlessly. Harry slowly nodded and walked after Menken. They walked through the old lobby where Harry grew up. Harry stopped with walking and gazed around.

"Is there something wrong, Mr.Osborn?" Menken said. "No...It's just...nothing..I'm fine" Harry said. They continued to walk towards the elevator and went inside of.

After all this years the song in the elevator hasn's been changed to something else. The doors closed and the elevator went up.

The doors opened and Harry and Menken went outside of it. ''Go ahead, he's inside'' Menken said and he opened the door.

Harry nodded and walked inside of what used to be his house. All the curtains were closed, the only place where light came in was from the fireplace.

Harry looked around, nothing much had changed everything remained the same. Harry walked through the living room room and saw a figure sitting on a chair behind a long wooden table.

Harry walked over to the figure and looked at it. ''Dad?'' Harry asked afraid.

The figure appeared to be Norman Osborn. ''Sit down'' Norman said. Harry sat down next to him. Norman looked horrible.

His face was covered with green scars, his skin looked dried out and his hair looked like it belonged to a zombie. ''What happened to you?'' Harry asked shocked.

''Retroviral Hyperplasia.....'' Norman said. ''Retro-what now?'' Harry asked confused. Norman nodded and turned his head around to a large window.

''You have become soft Harry'' Norman said. ''Excuse me?'' Harry said frowning. ''You had such potential Harry, such fierce intelligence and you're throwing it all away'' Norman said.

''No! You threw me away, you kicked me off to boarding school when I was eleven. On my sixteen birthday you sent me scotch, or one of you're assistants did. I'm pretty sure because the card read with compliments Norman Osborn'' Harry said pissed of. 

''I don't expect forgiveness from you, not anymore. I don't believe in miracles. How could you possibly understand that your childhood had to be sacrificed for something greater. Not just for me, for you!'' Norman said.

Harry looked frustrated and turned his head around. ''Harry, I'm dying and when I do die..I want you to take over Oscorp'' Norman said.

Harry's head turned around and he looked amazed at Norman. ''You're giving me Oscorp, your life, your legacy?'' Harry asked.

''Yes, will you please come and meet me at the tower soon, so I can show you everything?'' Norman asked. "Why me? Why would you want me to take over your beloved company?" Harry asked pissed.

"You're the only one I can trust" Norman said. "Trust? I trusted you all my life and it only brought misery to me. Why should I trust you now?" Harry asked. "Because...You're the only one who could.." Norman said as he got interrupted by Harry.

"Could what? Bring you coffee? I can't do that..Not anymore. Do you remember when I was little, I used to be the only one who cared for you and what did I get in return? A big nothing! Everything was Oscorp this, Oscorp that! But did you ever talked or asked about me, no! Why should you, why should you!?" Harry shouted out.

Norman shook his head and frowned. ''What is wrong with you?'' He asked. Harry looked open mouthed at his father and then looked away. ''I-- I'm breaking down. I'm breaking down, because I'm sick of never being good enough and I'm done with trying to be. Find someone else who will for fill your in all the ways I failed you. I was at peace with my life in California, I liked it just the way it was!'' He said with both anger and sadness. Norman ferociously looked at Harry and was ready to break loose. 

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