Chapter thirty-three - Speed Demon

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Harry approached several traffic lights, which all looked more like plates with bright blurred colours to him.

People were staring non-stop at Harry's car, who wouldn't it's a Lamborghini for Pete's sake! As he apprached countless men tapping their buddy on the shoulder to look at the Lambo, became Harry's more and more blurred by every second, and so did his mind.

He hadn't slept for over thirty hours and the tiredness was kicking in. The liquor he drank wasn't exactly the prefect match with his mentale state, but then again Harry didn't mind.

The girl he loved didn't love him back, he just attended his father's funeral, and on top of that the horrible time race to find a cure for his disease.

Harry opened the windows on his left, to get some fresh air. His eyes slowly closed as he approach another traffic light.

His ears stopped picking up noises around him, as his mind stopped thinking for a while. The world was so peaceful, no noise, no view and for a few seconds no worries, just sweet serenity.

A loud honk disturbed the peace inside of Harry's mind, it appeared that a car behind Harry was honking at him, for not driving when the traffic light turned green. The man in the car behind him rolled down his window and stuck his head out. "Green means go, you moron!" He yelled and honked again.

Harry looked in his rear view mirror and raised his hand to apologise.

He continued to drive to the Daily Bugle building, when he felt incredible nausea. He drove to the closest parking lot and parked his car.

He opened the door and literary fell out of his car. The whole world was spinning as his face lied on the cold ground.

His eyes saw two blue spots coming towards him, as they came closer they appeared to be a pair of blue sneakers. "A-are you okay?" A friendly yet concerned voice asked.

Harry looked up and saw that a girl with short blonde hair and bright blue eyes was looking at Harry. "Yeah..Thanks for asking.." Harry said as he stood up.

The girl started to giggle as she looked at Harry's fail attempted to stand up straight. "Need a hand?" She asked still giggling.

Harry nodded and she helped Harry stand up straight. "Thank you--Er..What's you're name?" Harry said with a smile which almost completely revealed that he was drunk.

"My name Elizabeth Allan, but you can call me Liz. What's you're name?" Liz asked smiling. "I-I'm Harry, Harry Osborn" Harry said as he shook her hand.

"Was there any particularly reason why you were kissing the ground? Or are you going to tell me you fell outta heaven?" Liz asked smiling. Harry smiled as he studied Liz. She was wearing a blue dress with a nameplate pinned on her chest.

"Uhh..No..Is there particularly reason why you are wearing that?" Harry said smiling and shaking.

Liz started to giggle as she looked at Harry who was shaking continously, she thought that Harry was nervous.

"It's for my work silly, I work over there" Liz said as she pointed to a coffee shop named; 'The Coffee Bean ' across the parking lot. "What, that tiny place?" Harry said laughing.

"It pays well, you know!" Liz said daring. "Oh yeah? How much?" Harry sais once again shaking and trying to keep his balance.

"Well, about nine bucks per hour" Liz said full of confidence. "N-nine bucks? That's it?" Harry said as lost his balance.

His left leg collapsed and he almost fell if it wasn't for Liz. "Let me drive you home, shouldn't be out alone at this time" Harry said laughing.

Liz's eyes were sparkling as she smiled at Harry's offer. "Sure, why not?" Liz said and she gave Harry a quick wink . "So, where's your car?" Liz asked curiosily.

Harry turned hazy around and pointed at the black Lamborghini. Liz's her mouth dropped open, she couldn't believe that the Lamborgini was Harry's.

"No way! Omg, I always wanted to sit in one of those!" Liz said, almost completely in shock of ecximent.

Harry openen the car doors and they both got in. Liz's face froze as she looked through the front window. Harry started the car and speeded off to the road again.

The wind blew in both their faces as Harry was smiling constantly. Liz's head hung out the window just like a dog does.

The only sound Harry heard was Liz screaming, she was having the time of her life, although she didn't noticed that Harry was drunk. "Harry, where did you get this car?" Liz said with a bright smile.

"Harry...?" Liz said still smiling. Harry's eyes noticed a big billboard of a model, that model was Mary Jane.

Mary Jane was a girl with many talents especially talents in the showbiz. She could act, sing, model and well she mostly had the luck to succeed in it as well.

Harry's body filled itself with despite and anger. Not far after the billboard of MJ was a gigantic advertisement of Oscorp, which immediately reminded him of his father, and his funeral.

He closer his eyes as his body felt itself with anger. His feet kicked hard on the gas paddle as his mind let go off all his worries.

There was no thinking straight in Harry's mind anymore, there was only anger and hopelessness.

The odometer jumped from 60 MPH to 70 MPH. "Okay, Harry you can slow down" Liz said smiling. The odometer jumped to 90 MPH and Liz's smile slowly disappeared.

"Harry, hey! You can slow down" Liz said with a rude tone. Harry's ears didn't hear anything else then the engine running faster and faster.

The odometer reached 210 MPH. Harry's held a tight grip on the wheel and the gas paddle. His eyes were focused on the road, his smile was gone and had been replaced by a frown.

Liz's smiled at Harry as fail attempt to calm him down. Her smile disappeared and her face had no other expression that fear, fear of her life.

"Harry! Hello? Calm down! Please slow down!!" Liz said with tears in her eyes. Harry ignored her and kicked even harder on the gas paddle.

The buildings flashed by as Harry crossed countless traffic lights. The only words in his mind were "Go, Go, Go!" whatever he did he could not stop the car.

"Harry, for God's sake, STOP!!" Liz yelled as she pulled on Harry's arm. Because of Liz's pulling on Harry's arm, couldn't Harry hold the wheel straight and they car started to sway.

"HARRY!! STOP, LET ME OUT!!" Liz yelled as she was crying. Harry blinked his eyes as it Liz's crying snapped him out of his trance.

Harry hit the breaks of the car, leaving a chill giving sound and marks on the road. He drove to the nearest parking lot and looked confused at Liz, who was hyperventilating.

Liz opened the door and tried to stand stable, her whole body was shaking in fright, her eyes showed nothing else than fear. Harry opened thr car door as well and walked swaying to Liz.

Liz pushed Harry away from herself and took a few steps back. "Liz, I'm so sorry. I didn't know--I'm so so so sorry!" Harry said.

Liz speed walked away from Harry. "Get away from me!" Liz said frightened. Harry came closer to Liz, while Liz started to run.

"GET AWAY! WEIRDO!" She yelled as she got inside of a cab and drove off. "Fine! Well, go home than! I don't need you! I DON'T NEED ANYONE!" Harry yelled as he almost tripped over his own feet.

Harry was once again alone, could this day become any worse for him?

"Harry..?" A familiar voice behind Harry said. Harry turned around and saw that Peter was standing behind him.

Harry looked at the building behind Peter, it appeared that Harry had stopped at the parking lot of the Daily Bugle. "You've got to be kidding me..." Harry thought.

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