Chapter thirty- five - Some Party

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"Harry, Peter! You guys made it! So what do you think?" Gwen said enthusiastically as she hugged them both. Peter looked smiling at Gwen who was wearing a long elegant purple dress.

"Y-You look great!" Peter said smiling. Gwen blushed and smiled back. ''I meant, what do you think of the lobby'' Gwen said giggling.

The lobby was just as ordinary as any other lobby, the difference was that this lobby was decorated. In the back of the lobby was a small stage where Mr.Jameson would talk to his employees, well nag about Spider-Man to his employees.

On the stage were four huge speakers installed which were connected to Gwen's mobile phone. Her mobile phone would not have the frequency to connect to four speakers, so Peter gave her phone a small frequency update.

''God, why don't you two get a room already" Harry said while he rolled his eyes. Gwen looked odd at Harry as her smile disappeared. Harry walked away and sat on stool behind the bar.

"What's wrong with him?" Gwen asked. Peter signed and looked Gwen straight in the eyes. "He uuh...He..To be honest I don't know...Not for sure. I think that the stress had finally taken a toll on him" Peter said.

"I get it. It's the same story with my father, every night he gets home from work all stressed out and all he talks about is Spider-Man" Gwen said.

Peter looked down at his feet. "Why?" Peter asked."Why what?" Gwen asked with a soft voice. "Why does he talks about Spider-Man?" Peter asked rushing.

"Oh well, he works at the police station, he's the captain. So he gets reports about him all the time. According to my dad is he a menace, a vigilante, a outlaw who stands for nothing but trouble" Gwen explained.

"You, don't believe him right?" Peter asked as he looked her in her blue eyes. "No, of course not. I mean he saved New a hundred times...He's a hero" Gwen said. ''You..Think that..Spider-Man's a hero?'' Peter asked smiling. ''Yes, I mean I feel a whole lot safer knowing that he's around. Cause it's kind of ironic'' Gwen said. ''I-Ironic?'' Peter asked.

''Yeah, ironic. Cause it's funny whenever you see a police officer passing by, I don't feel safe. I feel like them might arrest me for no reason, you know? That's the difference with Spider-Man, whenever he's around...Well, I kind of just feel safe..I guess and besides that Spider-Man is...Different! For all his power..His mystery..He's somehow fascinating!'' Gwen said smiling. Peter smiled and held her hand.

"Come with me, I want to tell..Show..Tell you something" Peter said and he pulled her to the elevator at the end of the lobby. "What?" Gwen said blushing. Peter smiled at her and they went into the elevator.

Harry sat on the bar stool as his lied buried in the palms of his hands. ''What would it be miss?'' The bartender said. ''I'll have a mojito'' A female voice said.

Harry peeked between his fingers to see who it was. The person who sat next to Harry was Felicia Hardy. ''Make that two...'' Harry said soft. Felicia looked surprised at Harry and smiled. ''Rough day, sir?'' Felicia asked.

Harry rubbed in his eyes and slowly turned his head towards Felicia. ''Yeah...Don't call me sir...You're not on shift...'' Harry said without any emotion. ''Here you go'' The bartender said as he handed the mojito's to Harry and Felicia.

''Cheers'' Felicia said as she hold up her glass. Harry raised his glass and well and toasted. ''Cheers'' Harry said smiling. ''Cheers..'' A deep voice said behind Harry and Felicia. ''Do you mind?" Harry said irritated. Harry turned annoyed around, for he know who it was. ''Yes actually, I do mind.'' Wilson Fisk said smiling. Felicia looked at Harry and then at Wilson Fisk who was wearing a white tuxedo.

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