Chapter ten - No Questions Asked

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Harry walked into his mansion. Walked up the stairs and dropped himself on the couch in the lounge. "Well, that went perfect. Just perfect" Harry said sarcastically.

The elevator doors opened and Norman Osborn stormed into the lounge. Harry looked up to him and tried to smile. Norman ignored him and speed walked into Harry's room as if he was possessed.

Harry sat up straight and looked at his father who was opening the door to his room. Norman went into Harry's room and rumbled around.

Harry got off the couch and walked to his room. While he walked to his room MJ's card fell out of jacket right underneath the couch.

Harry saw his father ripping clothes and books out of his closets. "Dad? What are you doing?" Harry said laughing. Norman threw four books and some clothing on Harry's bed and kept on ignoring Harry. "Dad?" Harry asked again as his smile disappeared.

Norman walked over to Harry and knelt down to his height. "Pack your bags" Norman said with an emotionless tone. He walked over to Harry's closet, grabbed a brown suitcase out of it and tossed it to Harry who caught it.

"Pack, why?" Harry asked confused. Norman ignored him and walked into the hallway. "Bernard!" Norman shouted. Bernard stormed of the stairs and rushed to Norman.

"What can I do for you sir?" Bernard said. "I need you to drive Harry to the airport, no questions asked" Norman said and he handed over a flight ticket.

"Alright sir" Bernard said. Norman walked back to Harry's room and snatched the suitcase out of Harry's hands. Harry was paralysed as his father was walking around with his suitcase. Norman tossed the suitcase on the bed next to thebooks and clothing. Norman strated to throw the books and clothes like a wild animal into the suitcase.

He closed it and walked back to Bernard, he handed Bernard the suitcase and walked back to Harry.

"Dad, what's going on?" Harry asked. Norman pushed Harry out of the room into the hallway. Bernard walked to Harry and grabbed his hand. "Bernard? what's going on?" Harry asked.

Bernard looked at Harry and shook his head. Harry ripped his hand out of Bernard's hand and ran to Norman.

"Dad, please tell me what's going on" Harry asked desperately. "You'll be taken to the airport, there you take the first flight straight to Chicago--" "Chicago!? Dad, why? What's going on?" Harry distressfully asked. "You're going to boarding school-- For your own good. You'll be fine, you're an Osborn. We take care of ourselves, we always do" Norman said and he patted Harry on his shoulder. "Bernard, go" Norman said.

Bernard nodded and walked to Harry and grabbed his left hand tightly so he couldn't rip himself out of it. "What!? I don't want to go to whatever it is!" Harry screamed. Bernard and Norman ignored him and Bernard pulled Harry out of the lounge onto the stairs.

Bernard opened the door of the rolls and pushed Harry inside of it. Immediately after Harry was inside of he locked the doors.

Bernard walked over to his seat and unlocked that door and sat down, he dropped Harry's suitcase next to him and started the engine.

Harry got of his seat and stuck his head in the little window between him and Bernard.

"Bernard,please. I don't want to go....Please" Harry begged of him. "I am so terribly sorry.." Bernard said and he pushed a button. The window started to roll up and Harry took his head out of it.

He dropped himself on the backseat. Bernard started to drive, and as soon as the car moved Harry knew that there was no turning back.

His life would be changed by know, his only friend Peter who had always been there for him would probably wonder why Harry wouldn't be at school tomorrow.

Harry's thought about Mary Jane, he would probably never see her again. For the first time in his life he felt 'love' and he didn't even had the chance and the courage to say it to her.

His life as he knew it was over.

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