Chapter three - Oscorp

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They car came closer to the gigantic Oscorp building and pulled over. Menken opened his door and walked to Harry's side.

He opened the door with his key and grabbed Harry's arm. ''I can do it myself, jeez..'' Harry said and he pulled arm out of Menken's hand.

Menken rolled his eyes and let go of Harry's arm. Harry looked up at the tower which seemed to grow taller by every second he stared at it.

Menken opened the door and held it open for Harry. Harry walked inside and looked around.

Oscorp was created by Norman Osborn and Professor Mendel Stromm, Norman's former teacher in chemistry and electrical engineering. After graduation Norman told Stromm about his wild ideas about how he wanted to change the world with his genetic research.

Stromm saw great potential in Norman and wanted to form a business partnership. And they did, they formed a small but exponential growth in genetic research for them and for the world and named their corporation 'The Osborn Corporation' now known as Oscorp.

Oscorp was the most advanced and most high tech company in the world. the inside of the building looked like science-fiction movie. Everything in the building was powered by Bio Electrogenesis, a way of making clean green sustainable energy by living organisms, in this case electrical eels.

Oscorp was the tallest building in New York and was made out of more than 50000 windows, Oscorp was the most profit making company in the world.

But the appearance of the tower wasn't the important thing, it was the research of course.

Menken walked to the glass the service desk and said something to the woman who was sitting behind it. They talked and then both looked at Harry in a very uncomfortable way.

Harry felt a little bit creeped out by the look the woman gave him and he tried to smile at her. The woman pushed a button and the gate which was in front of Harry opened.

Harry looked at Menken who  nodded. Harry walked trough the gate and looked up. The ceiling was far from close. The building had 108 floors of inovation. Every storey had a different division, on the 74th floor wad the genomicslab and on the 93th floor was the generators division, and so on.

Harry felt a hand on his right shoulder and turned around. Menken was standing behind him.''Do you know how to handle the elevator?'' Menken asked. "Are you kidding me? I've been here more times than you! And you work here" Harry thought as he nodded.

''Go to the 56th floor and be carfull when you're up there. You surely wouldn't want to fall, the fall is fast and steep'' Menken said smirking and walked away.

Harry walked to the elevator which was twice the height of him and pushed the button. The doors opened and Harry saw about six other workers who were standing in there.

He took a deep breath and stepped inside of it. ''What floor?'' Kari the virtual voice asked. ''56, please--'' Harry softly said while he looked down at his feet.

The people in the elevator were talking about money problems and such like. ''What's a little man like you doing in a big office building like this?" A woman said while she knelled down to Harry's length.

The woman patted his shiny brown hair and smiled. ''I-I'm here to see my dad'' Harry said and he tried to bring his hair back to normal.

''And who's may that be? Is it Walter from the diagnostics devision?" The woman asked with a big smile on her face. ''Norman Osborn...'' Harry said. The talking in the elevator was gone and there was a silence.

''You're father--Is--Is--Norman Osborn?" A man asked. Harry looked at the man and nodded slowly.

''So you're Harry Osborn?'' The woman said. Harry looked at the woman and smiled to her. ''Yes, nice to meet you..Thanks a lot, for messing up my hair. My dad loves the bill of my hairdresser'' Harry said with an evil grin. The woman stood up and started to twitch.

''Floor 23'' Kari said. the doors opened and all the workers speed walked out of the elevator. ''Have a nice day!'' Harry said with a fake smile. Harry felt great, he loved it when he had the power and when he was in charge.

The doors closed and the elevator started to go up again. ''Floor 56" Kari said and the doors opened.

Harry walked out of the elevator into the hallway and looked out of the windows. The hallway had an beautiful view on New York, everywhere were yellow cabs and people.

It was an amazing view form up there. Harry heard voices coming from the door behind him.

Harry sneaked up to the door and started to listen. He heard two males talking about something. Harry pressed his ear to the closed door and listened very closely.

'We received the results from the mRNA sequences this morning, they were disappointing..' 'Define "disappointing" ' 'The test subjects deceased after the trials..' ' Well, don't just stand there do something! I need to get that antidote!' 'Sir, it was another dead end. It's the decay rate algorithm'

Harry frowned and listened even closer, he knew that his father was doing some kind of secret thing and he wanted to know what. ''You have to make a cure...I..I' 'Mr.Osborn it's not that simple, we don't have the formula nor the knowledge...'

''Well, learn more! Buy a library for all I care!' 'Richard Parker took it..' 'He took what?' 'The missing link. The one thing we need. He basically took all of the research with him"

''Connors---He left years ago---It's-It's--It's getting worse everyday. You said you were close!' 'We are close, but it's gonna take some time.' 'I don't have time! You have to help me, you have to save me!' ''We're working on it all day and all night, there's nothing else we can do than wait for further results'

'No, you're just going to let me die! You're all just sitting there, waiting until I die! So you can take Oscorp away from me" No, sir. We are-" I have had enough of you Connors get out of here now!'' ''But sir..'' ''GET OUT!''.

The door opened and Harry fell in the doorway, Dr.Connors and Mr.Osborn both looked confused at Harry. Harry got up and looked at Dr.Connors and smiled. Dr.Connors shook his head and walked out of Norman Osborn's office. ''Harry? What were you doing?'' Norman Osborn said.

''That's a funny story, cause I just wanted to open the door and it was already being opened so I fell in. Crazy coincidence" Harry said with a quick smile. Norman Osborn looked confused at Harry and continued to stare at his desk. ''I..I got a C+ for my biology test'' Harry said with a proud smile on his face. Norman looked to Harry and frowned

''C+? You got a C+....Couldn't you do any better than that?'' Norman asked. ''Well.
--Uh..No--I tried my best'' Harry said softly. ''Well you didn't try good enough! You're an Osborn, we get straight A's!'' Norman said. Harry's smiled disappeared and he felt horrible. ''You seem upset'' Harry said. ''I'm upset because it costs me a fortune to keep you in school, so how about decent grades?'' Norman blurted out.

Nothing was ever good enough for his father. He always tried his best but he could never please him. His father never paid that much attention to him, it was like he was just some acquaintance of Norman and not his son. ''Why did Menken pick me up?'' Harry asked. ''Because I want to talk about you're friend Peter..'' Norman said.

''Sit down'' Norman said. Harry walked to the chair which was standing in front of Norman's desk. ''What about him?'' Harry asked. ''Peter might have something for me...His father left him several years ago and he had something very important, I want you to ask Peter if he has anything at from his father'' Norman said.

''Dad..I cant do that, he's my friend..'' Harry said. ''You have to! I need it'' Norman yelled to Harry. ''Why, what's so important?'' Harry asked. Norman sighed and pulled up his sleeve. His arm was twitching and all over his skin were some sort of green scars.

''I-I'm dying Harry, and I think that Peter might have something that could cure me'' Norman said and he pulled his sleeve down. Harry mouth dropped open and he looked his father in the eyes. ''I don't understand.....But, I'll get it'' Harry said quickly.

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