Chapter thirty-eight - Special Projects

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Felicia walked to the main gate of the Oscorp tower and scanned her hand, the gates opened and Felicia entered the lobby. She walked into the glass elevator which was empty.

'What floor' Kari asked. ''56 please'' Felicia said. The elevator went up and stopped at the 25th floor, the doors opened and Donald Menken walked into the elevator. ''Hello'' Menken said politely.

''Hi..'' Felicia said back. ''What floor?'' Kari asked. ''49'' Menken said strict. The elevator doors closed and they went to the 49th floor. Felicia and Menken remained still, like they were statues.

Menken was holding a small file under his left arm. Felicia saw the file and studied it inauspiciously, 'Zero Zero Decay Rate Algorithm' The file read.

Felicia remembered the name instantly, it was the only thing where her former boss, Norman Osborn was talking about. He never personally told Felicia about it, but Felicia always heard it when she wasn't suppose to hear it.

''Floor 49'' Kari said as the elevator doors opened. Menken stepped out of it and walked straight through the hallway. ''Zero Zero Decay Rate Algorithm, what does it mean?'' Felicia thought. The elevator doors were about to close when Felicia quickly stepped out of it.

Felicia followed Menken throughout the hallway until Menken entered a small meeting room. Menken knocked softly on the door and looked around to see if anyone followed him. Felicia hid around the corner and waited until she heard that the door was closed.

Felicia walked tiptoed to the meeting room door, which was locked the second Menken entered it. ''What are you hiding?'' Felicia whispered to herself. In the room were several men, Felicia coudln't identify their names but she could hear that they were the one who wouldn't usually draw attention to themselves.

'Do you got it?' 'Yeah, it's right here. The Zero Zero Decay Rate Algorithm file' 'Is this really going to help us?' 'Yes, it will. Norman Osborn held this file under extreme caution' 'Why was this so important to him?' 'This file contains Richard Parker's research of the genetically designed spiders'

'So?' 'Donald, what are you implying to?' 'This' 'Special Projects?' 'Yes, Smythe and I have found the original designs of Norman Osborn' 'What are these things?' 'Military designed exoskeletons. The world's most enhanced bodysuits. Norman designed them and Smythe build them. These exoskeletons are the only real reason why Oscorp is still on Wall Street'

'But how?' 'Norman made a deal with a foreign military organization to deliver them suits that would provide self heal. These suits all have self-heal protocols, just like the spiders had' 'But Richard Parker killed all the spiders'

'Not all of them, there were a few still alive. And since the lawsuits immediately came knocking on our doorstep we had to figure out a other way to keep the venom of the spiders' 'And how did you manage to do that?'

'We've extracted the venom from their glands and created the Special Projects. The world thinks that we've killed the spiders and we've still got the venom, which could prove useful to us in the future' 'Okay, so we have the formula and the venom, what now?'

'Some days ago I visited a place called The Ravencroft Institute for the Criminally insane, I managed to speak to one of the head doctors, Dr.Kafka. He was the one who was able to contain Maxwell Dillon. He wants our funding so he can continue his research'

'So how is this going to help us?' 'Dr.Kafka performed a surpass experiment on Max Dillon and afterwards I spoke to him. I told him about the venom and he said that he's able to help us' 'Help us how?' 'Help us make the suits more powerful, faster everything we ask him to'

'Okay, he wants funding how is he going to get it when that child is in control?' 'I don't know how but we have to get him out and it has to happen quick' 'What about his disease?'

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