Chapter forty-one -Spectacular move

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''Pull over'' Harry said to the cabdriver, who pulled over right after Harry said it. Harry opened the cab door and walked to the window of the driver. ''How much do I owe you?'' Harry asked.

''Well when we left here, you gave me two hundred. When we left from..I don't even know where, you promised another two hundred and the ride was thirty. So that would be a total of $230'' The cabdriver said.

Harry grabbed his wallet and took fife hundred-dollar bill and gave it to the cabdriver. ''Keep the change'' Harry said and walked away. ''Hey thanks kid! If you ever need a cab again, call me!'' The cabdriver said with great joy.

Harry rolled his eyes and walked to the east gate of the Oscorp tower. The sunset reflected on the the gigantic glass tower which made the tower look like the sun itself.

It was a miracle that the cars on the streets didn't got dazzled by the immense bright light.

Harry walked alongside the tower to the east gate and waited for Max to show up. The east gate was pretty much out of the sight of the city, it was at the end of an dark alley.

The east gate was meant to import and export biological substances like Tritium, Plutonium, Americium and such like. Whenever a truck was coming to the east gate, hundreds of guards were engaged the to make sure that the truck would't be hijacked or blown up.

Most of the time it all went smoothly without a fuss, but there were times when the truck's got hijacked by some of the the biggest criminals in New York.

The last time that an Oscorp truck was hijacked was by Aleksei Sytsevich, one of New York's common thugs who worked for one the biggest criminal minds in New York, Hammerhead. Aleksei stole an Oscorp truck filled with Plutonium, which is one of the most dangerous transuranic radioactive chemical elements in the world.

Any person who would get their hands on the Plutonium was able to build biological weapons which would outnumber the lawenforcments, and that was just a small part of what the Plutonium could do. It was literally able to blow the whole city to smithereens.

Aleksei who was driving through the city like a complete bonehead was eventually stopped by Spider-Man and the Plutonium was brought back to Oscorp in the containment room where it belonged.

Harry looked nervously around, not because he was afraid of what awaited inside of Oscorp, but the doubtful thoughts about Max.

What if he doesn't show up? Or what if he's already at the grid and just leaves Harry alone? And not even to mention the place where he was standing, a dark alley next to an import and export gate of a twobillion dollar company wasn't the safest place to be standing all alone. Especially when the world knows you as the multibillionaire son of Norman Osborn and the heir of his empire, Oscorp.

Harry felt a soft breeze behind him, which could only mean one thing. Harry turned around smiling and looked at Max who appeared behind him. ''You made it. I was starting to worry that you wouldn't show up'' Harry said smiling. ''I had to take care of something..'' Max said coldly.

''What on earth could possibly be bothering you?'' Harry asked. ''Family...Issues''Max said as he stared deep into Harry's eyes. ''Family..I get it..You can't live with them..And you'' Harry said softly as Max interrupted him. ''I can live without them...'' Max said.

When Max said he had to take care of something, he meant someone. After Max left Ravencroft he went to his old apartment, to visit the only relative he had left, his mother. Max's childhood was rough just like Harry's childhood.

Max's father was extremely abusive while his mother didn't talked to Max at all, until the day Max's father left her. From that point on was Max not allowed to leave his mother, because she feared that Max would leave her too.

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