Chapter twenty - Dodge ball

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'Have you seen the news last night?''Yeah I saw it, I just don't know what or who I was looking at''What was it?''Some kind of superhuman or a god maybe?' Students all around the school asked to each other.

Harry walked down the hallway and looked around, there were a few students with Spider-Man t-shirts or hoodies. Peter stood exhausted with his head against his locker, and he looked very tired.

"Hi Pete" Harry said and he walked straight to Peter. "Hi!" Peter said while he yawed.

"Dude what's wrong with you, you look exhausted" Harry asked Peter. "Oh I got you know--Stuck in traffic --So I kinda saw the sun rising by the time I got home.."Peter said. "Did you see the news last night?" Harry asked.

"No..?" Peter said. "So you're telling me that you didn't saw that electric man--Thingy --Making a scene right in the middle of Times Square?" Harry asked. "Oh that! No, I-I saw some people watching videos of it on my way to school, but no. I didn't see it live or anything.."Peter said while looking away from Harry.

"Where did you go to last night?" Harry asked. "Home.."Peter thought up quickly. "What class do you have?" Harry asked. "I have P.E, how about you?" Peter asked.

"Me too, I guess we have the same class" Harry said smiling. Harry and Peter walked to the gym when they heard someone singing. "Who is that?" Harry asked.

"I don't know" Peter said and they walked to the room where the beautiful voice came from. "Oooooh Put your loving hand out, baby I'm beggin.....".

Harry and Peter walked in the room and saw Mary Jane sitting behind a piano singing Beggin' by The Four Seasons. "Oh my gosh!I didn't noticed you guys, don't sneak up on me!" MJ said smiling and she jumped of her seat.

"You sing really good!" Peter said. "Really? I hope that the director will think so too.." MJ said nervously. "Director?" Harry asked.

"Yeah I'm auditioning for a background singer in the Broadway show Jersey Boys" MJ said. "Cool!" Harry and Peter said at the same time with big smiles on their faces.

"I'm sure that you'll make it" Peter said. "You're the best!" MJ said and she hugged Peter. Harry's smile disappeared and he looked scornfully at Peter. "We gotta go though, see you later MJ!" Peter said and they walked out of the room.

"You're really close to MJ, aren't you?" Harry asked. "Yeah, every since...You left actually...I needed a friend and MJ was there so...." . Peter said. The two entered the locker room and got undressed.

''Dude, what happened to you?'' Harry asked and he pointed to a large claw like scar on Peter's chest.

''N-nothing..'' Peter said and covered his scar up with his white t-shirt. ''That's not nothing. What attacked you, a dinosaur?'' Harry asked smiling.

''I was helping aunt may in the garden and I accidentally walked against a rake..'' Peter thought up. ''A rake?'' Harry asked. ''Yeah..'' Peter said. ''Well well, see who we got here, Batman and Robin'' Flash said laughing.

''What do you want Flash?'' Peter asked. ''Nothing, I just wanted to saw how brave you guys were yesterday.'' Flash said still laughing. Harry rolled his eyes and turned around to put his clothes in a locker.

''Flash please, just leave us alone'' Peter said very calm. ''What's the matter, can't you handle a joke?'' Flash said while tried to stop laughing.

Flash's so called 'gang' walked towards Flash and stood like slaves behind him. ''Flash, I'm not in the mood'' Peter said sighing. ''Why not Parker, got an A- for the science test?'' Flash said laughing. ''At least I have A's on my report..'' Peter said softly. ''What did you say, Parker!?'' Flash said crabby.

''Leave him alone'' Harry said. ''And what are you gonna do about it?'' Flash asked sarcastically. One of Flash's henchman stepped next to Flash and crossed his arms. ''Or else his father, is going to fire your father'' The guy next to Flash said childish.

Harry's phone vibrated and Harry looked on it. 'Come to the tower at 2:45 PM, Norman Osborn' It said. ''Awh is daddy texting you'' Flash said with a girly voice. ''Dude that's not cool, just leave him alone'' Peter said.

''What's wrong did daddy forgot to give you lunch money, or a entire buffet'' Flash said. Harry turned around and looked furiously at Flash.

''Shut up about my father!'' Harry said and he pushed Flash against the lockers. ''If you touch me one more time I'll rip your head off'' Flash yelled and he pushed Harry away from himself. Flash walked away and Harry tried to calm down. ''What was that!?'' Peter asked amazed.

''Sorry...I couldn't control myself'' Harry said and he grabbed his phone. 'Okay, I'll be there' Harry text back. ''What time is it?'' Harry asked to Peter. ''It's 2:07'' Peter said. Harry nodded and walked to the gym room.

"Okay listen up we're going to play dodge ball!" The coach yelled at the class. Flash walked to the coach and whispered something in his ear, the coach looked at his notebook and wrote something down.

''Parker, Osborn you go to the left! everybody else to the right'' The coach yelled. ''That's unfair! Two against fifteen..'' Harry said.

''Play!'' The coach yelled and he threw in four dodge balls all to the right side. ''Let's show them how to play!'' Flash yelled to his team. ''Okay, just stay low and dodge everything'' Peter whispered.

Flash and three other guys started to aim and throw the balls to Harry and Peter. Peter dodged all of them easily and picked up two and passed them to Harry.

Flash looked surprised at Peter, he didn't see that coming. ''On three'' Harry whispered. ''One, two'''Harry whispered. ''Three!'' Peter yelled and the threw the balls towards Flash and his team.

The two balls which Peter threw hit two students at the same time and the other bumped against the wall and hit three students.

The two balls who Harry threw hit two students, although it weren't such great thrown as Peter's. There were eight students left and Flash team had the dodge balls now.

Flash threw the ball with all his power to Peter, and Peter dodged it as if he knew that it would happen. Harry dodged the other balls but not as smooth as Peter's way of dodging.

The four balls bumped against the wall after Harry and Peter and Peter grabbed two and threw them with an incredible speed at Flash's team.

He hit five students right in the stomach, and he rushed to the other two balls. He looked flash in the eyes and thew one ball against the wall, the ball bumped very fast from the left to the right and hit the other two students.

Only Flash was standing in the field now. Peter hold the last ball tight and grinned at Flash, he threw the ball at Flash and missed.

''You missed Parker!'' Flash yelled smiling. Peter's ball bounced against the wall and came back with an incredible speed right at Flash's head. Flash got hit and fell on the ground. ''Parker's team won, now hit the showers!'' The teacher yelled.

''Nice arm!'' Harry said. ''It's the wrist, it's all in the wrist buddy. You can do it too you know'' Peter said. ''Yeah right'' Harry said. ''If you practise enough you can do it'' Peter said.

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