Chapter twenty-seven - Secrets

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Harry sighed and walked back into the office. He walked to the gigantic window and stared at the skyline of New York.

"Mr.Osborn.." A sweet voice said. "What!?" Harry said rudely. "I have the files you wanted..are you okay?" The sweet voice said.

Harry turned around and saw that the girl with the sweet voice was Felicia. "The files, right. I'm sorry..I got a lot on my mind" Harry said frustrated.

"Is there anything I can do for you, sir?" Felicia asked and she lied down a tablet on his desk.

"No, I just need to be alone right now" Harry said and he grabbed the tablet of the desk and looked at it. "The files.." Felicia said. "Thank you" Harry said with a calm voice.

Felicia opened her mouth to say something but she couldn't say anything to Harry while he was like this.

She closed her mouth and walked out of the office and closed the door. Harry turned on the tablet and looked at the files; financial reports, biocable development, commercial expanses, power plant. He opened the file of the power plant and looked at it. 'Oscorp's Power plant' The file said. There was a big blue print of the power plant.

''So that was the building site...'' Harry thought. He zoomed in on the blue print and saw the name of the designer 'Max Dillon' it read. ''I know that name....But from where or what?'' Harry thought. He zoomed out and looked back at the entire blue print and sighed.

"I'm getting my very own power plant..Am I lucky or what?" Harry said sarcastically and he tossed the tablet on the couch. Harry sat down behind his father's desk which was his now. He looked at the big clock on the wall; 11 PM it said.

He pulled his jacket off and tossed it to the other side of the room. The drop of jacket made an unusual soon, it sounded like something hard fell on the ground instead of something soft.

Harry walked to his jacket and the small the cube his father gave him dropped out of it. He picked it up and sat down behind the desk.

"What am I supposed to do with you?" Harry said. Harry held the cube between his thumb and his middle finger and spun it around.

Harry circulated the cube while his mind was thinking about Mary Jane. What happened wand what did Harry so wrong, it all went to fast for Harry to think about whether is was a good or bad decision.

For once had Harry the feeling that someone actually loved him, instead of just denial of his existence. "Excuse me, sir" Menken said with a filthy grin on his face.

Harry's heartbeat stopped of frightening and he accidentally dropped the cube on the desk. "Have you ever heard of knocking!?" Harry shouted at Menken.

"I'm sorry, sir. I just came her to remind you about he convention tomorrow at the Daily Bugle" Menken said still with his filthy grin on his face.

Menken was known for that grin, whenever he grinned like that no good was coming from him. "What convention? Why wasn't I told?" Harry asked, he knew that Menken was up to something he could practically feel it.

"A publicity stunt of the Bugle, a fundraiser actually. Oscorp has been invited as well'' Menken said. "Well, cancel it. I've got other things on my mind right now!" Harry said in a disrespectfully way.

"We..The Oscorp staff thought that it would be a opportunity, to show the world that after Dr.Conners criminal event Oscorp remained a company with only one cause. To help the word with our research" Menken said and his chill giving grin disappeared.

"Sure, I get it. So why don't you go?Harry asked and turned around in the chair. ''It's for CEO's only'' Menken said softly. Harry took a deep breath and turned back around.

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