Chapter thirty-one - Teardrops

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"Bernard, take the day off" Harry said as he dropped himself on the couch.

"Take the day off? Sir, are you sure?" Bernard asked with a little bit of excitement in his voice.

"Yeah, I insist. I could really use some time alone.." Harry said while he stared at the white ceiling.

"Very well sir, if you insist. If you need anything...." Bernard said. "I know, I know. I'll give you a call" Harry said with his 'not interested at all' voice. Bernard smiled for a second and then left Harry's home.

The weather had turned around, the sun shone and it was 90°F. People on the streets were wearing shorts and tops, everything what would be thin and wide.

Harry shuffled to his room and grabbed his black tuxedo from Prada. He dressed himself and combed his hair, which was shining like a can of wax was cascaded over his head.

He stared at his reflection in the mirror, all the green scars on Harry's body were now covered by clothes.

"I never thought that I had to wear this...." Harry thought. Harry walked towards the elevator and went to the basement.

The basement was as big as three apartments next to each other and was full of cars.

Whenever Norman was too weak to go to his work he would lie in his bed and order cars together with Bernard.

Norman owned twelve cars, and not just the regular basis cars. He had a Porsche, Ferrari, Hummer, Maserati, Jaguar, BMW, Mercedes, Corvette, Bentley, Limousine, Rolls and a Lamborghini.

They were all new, Norman had never driven in them, only Bernard had driven in them to bring Norman to his work.

On the wall of the basement was a small dresser made out of glass.

Inside of the dresser were all the keys to the cars, together with the matching logo key chains.

Harry grabbed a random key and looked at the logo. The Lamborghini logo was on the key chain.

Harry searched for the Lamborghini in the maze of cars. In the corner stood the Black Lamborghini, it was shiny that Harry almost got blind by looked at it.

He got in and turned on the engine. The Lamborghini started and Harry pushed a small button on the key chain. The basement door opened and Harry drove out of the basement.

Harry arrived at the cemetery and parked the car. Harry stepped out of the Lamborghini and faced the cemetery sign. The ceremony started around ten minutes ago, without Harry.

Harry held his head down as he walked towards the group of people around the grave. He stopped and sat down on a bench, far enough to not get noticed by the others.

Around the grave were several employees from Oscorp, including Felicia Hardy and Gwen Stacy.

"How did Felicia get her so fast?" Harry asked himself. 'Today we say goodbye to a friend, colleague and father' The ceremony master said.

Harry stared blankly at the crowd, right now he couldn't feel anything. No pain or sadness, he just felt empty.

Sure, Harry was devastated when his father died. Not to mention the way he died. It was a traumatic experience for Harry, it would have been for everyone.

Harry's mind was cut up in the middle of weeping about his father's funeral, or just being there as an empty shell.

His father did sent him off to boarding school, even when he did it to protect Harry from the horrible truth. He still sent him away.

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