Chapter thirty-seven - Acceptance

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''Mr.Osborn'' A voice said. Harry slowly woke up and looked around, there was nobody around not even Bernard. ''Look up'' The voice said again.

Harry looked up and saw Spider-Man upside down on the ceiling. ''I think you're looking for me'' Spider-Man said still sticking on the ceiling.

''I cannot believe my eyes. Spider-Man'' Harry said smiling. Spider-Man glided down from a web and sat down in a chair in the lounge. Harry got of the couch and walked to a chair across Spider-Man's.

''Just the man I wanted to see. You..Uh..Talked to Peter?'' Harry asked as he poured a drink. It seemed that all he did the last couple days was drinking, he just tried to drink away his miseries, although it mostly caused even more trouble.

Harry didn't eat, drink or sleep, his mind was constantly thinking about ways he could use to extend his life and eventually to heal him.

''Yep. I want to help you Mr.Osborn. I really, really do'' Spider-Man said. Harry looked at Spider-Man and smiled.

Spider-man was the only one right now who could save him, he had to save him, that is what heroes do, they save people's lives. ''I can't give you my blood, not right now'' Spider-Man said.

Harry's smile disappeared instantly at the moment Spider-Man said 'can't'. Harry look visibly shocked as the words reached his mind. ''Excuse me?'' Harry asked softly.

''It's too dangerous. If our blood is incompatible you could die'' Spider-Man while he looked down at his feet. Harry looked shocked at Spider-Man and tried to reason with him. ''I'm already dying. Your blood can't make me die more'' Harry said softly.

''But it could do something worse'' Spider-Man said and he looked at Harry. ''You owe me'' Harry said rudely. ''What?'' Spider-Man asked soft. ''You killed my father! You owe it to me!'' Harry said. ''Mr.Osborn. I didn't kill your father, the Vermin did..'' Spider-Man said.

''What?'' Harry asked softly. ''The Vermin, a wild hairy tall creature. I followed his trail of destruction which lead to Oscorp. Once I got inside was the Vermin holding your father, he was screaming about how he wanted revenge. He knocked me out and once I recovered was the Vermin still holding your father. He was angry and deadly with razor sharp claws. I tried to web him but I was too late....The Vermin punctured through your father's stomach...I was about to take your father to the hospital when you came in...I was..I felt, I couldn't...'''Spider-Man explained.

Harry looked down at his feet, he could not believe his ears. Spider-Man wasn't the one who killed his father, which would mean that Spider-Man owed him nothing. ''You didn't kill my father..and neither are you going to kill me..'' Harry said.

''No, of course not! I don't kill! Why would I want to kill you?'' Spider-Man asked confused. ''Okay, so you'll give me your blood, right?'' Harry said with a little bit of joy.

''Mr.Osborn, I can't give you my blood..'' Spider-Man said. ''Okay. Alright, how much?'' Harry asked while he looked down at his drink. ''How much what?'' Spider-Man asked. ''How much do you want? You name it, you want a boat? You want a plane? You want money? How much do you want?'' Harry asked desperately.

''I don't want your money'' Spider-Man said as he looked down. ''Come on, everybody wants my money!'' Harry said as he raised his voice. ''I don't'' Spider-Man said and he looked back at Harry again. Spider-man stood up and so did Harry.

''I thought... I thought you supposed to save people. I thought that's what you do, you save poeple's lives. You're just gonna let me die'' Harry said as he looked straight at the eye patches in Spider-man's mask.

''I'm trying to protect you right now'' Spider-man said. ''No. No, you are not... You're trying to protect yourself'' Harry said pissed off. ''Look, we just need a bit more time to figure out something else'' Spider-Man said.

''I do not have time!'' Harry said and he threw his glass at the wall, making it shatter into thousand small pieces. Harry was too close to the wall and one shard of glass cut his face right underneath his left eye.

''I'm sorry'' Spider-Man and he jumped out of the window in which he enetered. Harry ran to the window trying to catch a glimpse of Spider-Man, but he vanished. Harry was livid, shocked and hopeless. ''You're a fraud Spider-Man'' Harry said as he walked away from the widnow.

Harry walked reared to a small coffee table and flipped it, everything what was on fell ont he ground and most of it broke. He lied back angry on the couch as he sobbed.

Harry's last hope was Spider-Man and he just told that he could not help him. Harry just had to accept the fact that he was going to die, just like his father would have.

Several hours passed and Harry was sleeping after a night in the hospital, the news that there was no hope and just the stress which life brought. The doorbell rang which immediately woke up Harry, he opened one eye and looked around.

''Bernard!?'' Harry asked and there was no response from Bernard. Harry sat up straight pulled on his jacket and walked to the stairs. ''Do I have to do everything myself'' Harry said.

He walked to the door and slowly opened it without looking who it was. ''Bernard, you have a key. You could....Mary Jane?'' Harry said as he saw that the person who was standing in front of him was Mary Jane Watson. ''Hey..'' MJ said.

''Hey..'' Harry said soft. ''How are you doing?'' MJ asked. Harry nodded and looked at his shoes and then to door, everything to avoid looking at Mary Jane. ''Why are you here?'' Harry asked. MJ looked shocked at Harry and tried to smile.

''I heard what happened last night. I just wanted to be sure that you were okay..'' MJ asked. Harry stopped with avoiding her and looked straight into her green eyes. ''Why are you really here?'' Harry asked tautly. Mary Jane looked back into Harry's eyes and sighed.

''I'm sorry about what happened after the funeral..'' MJ said sadly. Harry nodded tautly as MJ tried to show a small smile. ''It was nasty of me to...You know...Say it like that, to leave you all alone there..'' Mary Jane said. Harry's eyes became cloudy again, all the feeling from the funeral came back.

''I gotta go to work..'' Harry said and he walked straight along MJ without looking at her. '''Harry wait!'' MJ said. Harry stopped with walking and just stared at the garden. ''Harry, I never meant to cause you trouble...'' MJ said as she walked to Harry.

''Well, trouble is a friend...'' Harry said without emotion. ''Please, just hear me out..I know exactly what you're going through right now and I just want to be there for you. I know how it feels-'' MJ said softly. ''No, you don't get it. I'm Alone, Mary Jane. I have alway been alone, even if I have people saying they're there for me. I'm still alone. And it hurts, it hurts like hell because I'm finally starting to grasp the fact that at the end of the day all you really yourself'' Harry said and walked away from MJ with a frown. 

Harry turned around to MJ and smirked. '' I loved you Mary Jane and I still love you. But I get it, you don't love me...'' Harry said with a temper.

'''Harry...I...'' MJ stuttered. ''I what? I don't love you?'' Harry asked angrily. MJ's small smile disappeared and she looked huff at Harry. ''You're right... I don't love you'' She said and she walked past Harry to the gate. She turned around in just around when was standing in the opening of the gate. ''I hope you find the happiness you've been pretending to have'' She said and walked out of the garden. 

Harry looked down at his feet for a few seconds until a car arrived at the gate of him mansion. It was Bernard who was driving in Lamborghini. Bernard noticed that Harry was standing in the garden while a girl around his age left the gate.

Bernard parked the car in front of the gate and walked to Harry. ''Mr.Osborn, are you okay?'' Bernard asked. '' I couldn't feel any better... Give me a ride to Oscorp'' Harry demanded. Bernard looked worried at Harry.

''Mr.Osborn are you sure. You look very tired..'' Bernard said. ''Just drive me to Oscorp!'' harry said as he stormed to the car. ''Very well, sir'' Bernard said and he followed Harry to the car. Bernard started the engine and slowly started to drive.

Harry looked out of the right side window and saw Mary Jane leave. Her body became smaller every second as the car drove away from her. ''Goodbye...'' Harry whispered softly.

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