Chapter forty-three - Attack on Oscorp

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''You're attention please, this is an emergency evacuation. All personnel please proceed to the nearest exit'' Kari kept on repeating every ten seconds.

The small glass room in the middle of the lobby of Oscorp filled itself with heavily armed security guards. "Go" The head of the security guards yelled to his team. Six guards with snipers stepped closer to the elevator in the glass room while six other guards stood steady next to Menken and behind another monitor.

"Sir?" The head of the security guards asked Menken, who was standing behind one of the big monitors in the corners of the glass room together with three guards. "What?" Menken asked as he looked nervously around.

"What do you want us to do, when the elevator comes up?" The head of the security guards asked. "Do whatever you have to do! Just make sure that the freak never gets out of there!" Menken shouted at the guards.

The whole building seemed to be spinning slightly out of control, hundreds of Oscorp employees were running towards the fastest exits they could find.

Menken looked nervously at the elevator and saw that the small touch pad on the outside of the elevator shaft started to lit up and the text 'Elevator coming up' popped up on the screen.

Menken and the six guards watched on in horror as the screen lit up.''Here it comes! Prepare yourself!'' The head of the security guards yelled to his team. The six security guards stepped closer to the elevator and aimed their snipers right at the door.

Fear was written all over their faces, it had never happened before that the alarm in such a perilous part of Oscorp was activated.

The screen blacked out as the elevator doors slowly opened, as if it were in slow-motion. The guards held their guns tightly and prepared themselves for the worst. The elevator door was wide open and the guards looked open-eyed at the elevator.

''It..It's empty..'' Menken said softly. ''Is this some kind of sick joke?'' One of the six guards asked. The guards kept on aiming their snipers at the elevator until a small crack was heard. A small black with orange sphere dropped out of the ceiling of the elevator and bumped three times on the floor towards the six guards.

Menken looked confused at the small sphere bumping on the floor, which started to beep faster and faster.

''Watch out! It's a..'' Menken said as he got interrupted by the sound of an explosion. The small sphere exploded in micro seconds and the six guards were blown aside. The room filled itself with smoke and the remaining guards together with Menken started to cough.

''Where the hell did that thing come from'' One of the security guards asked Menken. ''I....I...'''Menken said as he got interrupted by a whittling sound coming from the elevator. The elevator started to shake as the whittling sound became louder and louder.

''What the in the world..?'' Menken said and he looked at the shaking elevator. The whittling sound stopped and the elevator started to squeak, Menken and the remaining guards looked in astonishment at the elevator.

There was a loud sound of a fracture and the elevator fell down as a brick. The the six remaining guards stepped closer to the elevator shaft and aimed their guns at the empty shaft. A zooming sound was heard out of the shaft and it seemed like it was getting harder and harder every second.

A hard screeching sound, the same as nails on a chalkboard was heard in the shaft as well. "What are you waiting for? Go check it out!" Menken shouted at the team.

The guards looked doubtful at each other and one of the guards was pushed towards the empty shaft. He held his gun so tightly that it looked like it was super glued into his hand.

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