Chapter seven - Happy Birthday

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Harry arrived at his house, well his mansion. His father owned one of the most expensive mansions in New York.

The venue where the mansion was built on was specifically chosen by Norman. Before the build of the lot had an old hardly stable deserted mansion which was originally from Amberson Osborn, the father of Norman Osborn.

Amberson Osborn was nothing like Norman was, he was abusive to his wife, his son and to everyone who got in his way.

Amberson worked even harder on having success and having power than Norman was. Amberson was non-stop beyond exhaustion, irritated and laboriously to talk to.

Norman on the other hand was just trying to have a normal childhood as any other child would have, even though he knew it was hardly possible with a father like that. Norman tolerated everything his father did, except for one time.

The night that a heavy storm rushed trough the streets of New York and his father left him alone in the mansion to 'man him up'. Amberson unwired all of the electricity and left with his wife, leaving Norman all alone in the darkness on a stormy night.

It was from that day on that Norman knew, that the only person he could relay on was himself. And that was exactly was Amberson wanted, to make sure that Norman would be tough enough to defend his beloved wealth which he almost gave up everything for.

Several after the death of Norman's parents, he gave a order to one of New York's bestest construction firm to wreck the old mansion and build a new one. One that would bury the memories of his past forever

It was build with real marble and some parts of the doors were made out of real platina.To keep it short the Norman wasn't hungry for money and you could definitely see that.

It was about five minutes away from Oscorp, so he would be able to get there soon. Even in the midst of the night.

The view was overwhelming too, you could see most of New York from the lounge, there were no skyscrapers interfering the sight.

The mansion counted six bedrooms, four bathrooms, four workrooms, two kitchens, a garage made for several cars and gigantic lobby. It was two stories high and about the size of a football field.

The mansion had a football field sized backyard where Harry would spent his summer, mostly alone because Norman was to busy with developing Oscorp than spending time with his son.

Harry walked towards the door of the mansion and opened the big wooden door. The first thing you saw in the mansion was the enormous lobby. A room with the size of big as two basketball courts, a  marble floor entirely polished and in each corner of the room an ionic pillar.

In the middle of the lobby were two gigantic wooden stairs, one on the left side and one on the right. The stairs were divided by a big elevator which led to the second floor.

The  steel doors of the  were three time as high as Harry. The elevator doors by the sensor above the doors and Harry walked inside. The sensor was just like almost everything in the house made and produced by Oscorp.

The doors closed and the elevator went up, it was a fancy elevator, yet it had the same boring elevator music as all the others.

The elevator doors opened and Harry walked in the hallway of the second floor. The walls were made out of dark wood and were covered by either paintings or awards.

The awards were from Norman, the ones which he won with Oscorp. Harry won some trophies too when he played baseball on school, but Norman never noticed his trophies. He actually had them stored somewhere in the basement of their mansion.

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