Chapter twenty-four - Clock Tower

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Harry and Peter walked out of the Oscorp tower and onto the street. The sun shined and the street were still crowded.

"Where are we going?" Harry asked. "Somewhere...." Peter said smiling. Peter and Harry walked away from the Oscorp tower and slowly away from the centre of the city.

"Pete, I wanna know. Where are we going?" Harry asked. Peter said nothing and continued to walk while Harry stopped. "C'mon!" Peter said. Harry crossed his arms and stared at him.

"Why?" Harry asked as he smirked. "Because I would really appreciate it if you'd come with me.." Peter said with the most sweetest voice. "Alright.. Cause you have such a persuasive way of convincing people" Harry said laughing and he walked to Peter.

They walked out of the city and into a building site. The place was surrounded by large electric gates with the Oscorp sign printed on it.

"Oscorp? I didn't knew about this..." Harry said. "Me neither, when did they start to build this?" Peter wondered. "I don't know, but I'll find out sooner or later" Harry said.

Peter looked at the electric gates and studied the little board which hang on it. Harry walked to the gate as well and read the sign too. 'Oscorp Power ' It said.

"So this is what you wanted to show me..?" Harry asked. "No, that is" Peter said and he pointed to an old clock tower.

"Woah a clock tower, how exciting!" Harry said sarcastically. Peter smiled and walked to entrance of the clock tower.

He lifted up an old almost rotten away doormat ans grabbed a small key from underneath it. He did the key in the the keyhole and opened the old rusty door. The door cracked and dust fell of it like crazy.

Peter entered it and Harry walked over to clock tower and entered it. "Peter?" Harry yelled and his voiced echoed. "I'm up here!" Peter yelled from a large cog around fifty feet high.

"How did you get up there?" Harry asked. "The stairs?" Peter said smiling and he pointed to old the old rusty stairs next to Harry. "Of course...." Harry said and he shook his head.

Harry climbed up the stairs the old rusty stairs, which the possible change of cillapson by every step he took.

Peter was still standing on the enormous cog and looked up. "So what now?" Harry asked. Peter got of the clog very carefully and stood on a small little fire escape stairs which was attached to the wall.

He opened the window and stretched out his hand so Harry could grab it. Harry was about step on the small stairs when a loud creak appeared, the cog on which Harry was standing on started to tick and moved around rough.

"Harry don't move, you'll lose your balance!" Peter said. Harry didn't move a muscle until the cog was completely still.

Harry stepped of the cog and grabbed a hold of Peter's hand. Peter pulled Harry on top of the roof.

"Why did you bring me here?" Harry asked. "When uncle Ben died I was...I felt....I needed to calm myself down..I discovered this place and climbed on top of it and just stared at this amazing view. I don't know why but I just have this weird feeling when I'm here..It relaxes me though, but it also frightens me.." Peter said.

"What are you saying?" Harry asked. "Well since you lost your father and all....Maybe it works for you too.." Peter said and he looked up the sky. "Thanks, but I'm feeling just fine" Harry said.

"You seemed pretty upset at school.." Peter said. "Well things change. I'm not coming to school tomorrow either" Harry said. "Why not?" Peter asked. "I have....a job now.." Harry said and he held his hands in the pockets of his jacket.

"What kind of job?" Peter asked. "My dad..Left me Oscorp...So yeah, I guess I'm a CEO now" Harry said. Peter immediately understood it.

Norman used to be obsessed with his work, he made that choice a long time ago. It was raising Harry like a normal parent would or work, and he chose his work.

Oscorp became a very powerful company which caused even more work for Norman. Harry's childhood was full of riches, Norman thought he could buy everything with money even his son's love.

"So you own Oscorp now..?" Peter asked. "Yeah..I do" Harry said. "Then how come you didn't know about the power station?" Peter asked and they both looked down at the build site.

"I don't, it must be my father's work" Harry said. Peter lied on his back and stared at the horizon. ''Harry?'' A girl shouted. Harry looked around and saw Gwen standing next to the clock tower.

Peter got up and sat up straight. ''What are you guys doing up there?'' Gwen shouted to them. ''Relaxing, what are you doing here?'' Peter shouted back to Gwen. ''I'm here for my job..'' Gwen shouted and she pointed to the build site.

''Your working on a building site?'' Peter shouted. ''No! I'm head of the electronic department of Oscorp and I'm here to install the back up generator'' Gwen yelled. ''Okay....Good luck!'' Peter shouted. Gwen smiled and stuck her thumb in the air.

''She really seems to like you'' Harry said smiling. ''Really, you think so?'' Peter asked. ''Yeah, you guys would be perfect for each other...Or don't you like here that way..'' Harry said.

''No...Uhh..Well I don't know...I think so'' Peter said blushing. Harry smiled and looked back at the city. ''She did invited me to her house...'' Peter said.

''Really when?'' Harry asked. ''Yesterday, and we ate Branzino..It's a fish..'' Peter said smiling. ''And...?'' Harry asked curiously.

''Her dad shouted at me...And...We kissed....'' Peter said blushing. ''Ha! I knew it'' Harry said smiling. ''Yeah yeah..So have you thought about the room yet?'' Peter said still blushing.

"Well actually Pete, I don't think that I acquire a new room. Now that my father's gone and I all. I have a mansion for myself.." Harry said. "I understand" Peter said calm. Harry looked up to Peter and smiled. "You do?" Harry asked softly. "Yeah, I don't think that I can just leave aunt May. She has been so lost ever since uncle Ben passed away.." Peter said.

The sound of rain falling on the glass roof of the clock tower alarmed Harry and Peter that it was time to get of there. "Seriously? Rain, now?" Peter questioned. Some rumbling was heard in the sky followed by a bright flash, which lit up their darkened faces for a second.

"Yeah rain..And thunder. You know, I don't really feel comfortable or safe up here. Especially when there's no lightning rod during lighting" Harry said as he looked down.

"Really, I always thought you were in for something flashy" Peter said laughing. "Alright, alright. Now how do we get down from here?" Harry said smiling.

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