Chapter sixteen - Midtown Science High School

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The alarm clock went off and Harry's hand smote on it. Harry turned around and opened his eyes.

The alarm clock was still bleeping and Harry pushed the snooze button. He stood up and walked to his door. He opened it and walked yawing towards the bathroom.

He opened the door and shuffled to the shower. He undressed himself and got in.

After that he was done showering he walked back to the mirror and combed his brown hair and brushed his white teeth.

He grabbed a towel and walked back to his room. He walked to his closet and finally actually woke up.

''Oh yeah that's right...I don't have any clothes..'' Harry said. Norman walked wavering to Harry.

''I ordered you some clothes'' Norman said. Harry turned around and looked at his father who was leaning on his cane.

'' did? How did you know that I wouldn't have any clothes with me?'' Harry said. ''You're my son..It's in your third drawer'' Norman said and he walked away.

Harry walked back to the dresser and grabbed a box what was still in there. He opened the box, there was a pair of shoes in it. Harry grabbed them out of the box, the shoes were black and from the brand Lacoste.

Harry putted them on and walked to the living room. Bernard walked out of the kitchen with two plates on his left arm and two glasses filled with orange juice in his hands.

''Morning, Bernard'' Harry said smiling. ''Good morning, sir'' Bernard said with his famous proud smile as he placed the plates and glasses on the table.

Norman walked into the living room and sat down. ''I've made breakfast, sir. Does it pleases you or should I make something else instead?'' Bernard said to Norman.

''It'll do, Bernard. Thank you. Harry sit down'' Norman said. Harry walked to the table and sat down behind a plate.

''I'm driving you to school today'' Norman said and he took a bite of his scrambled eggs. ''What!?'' Harry said and he chocked on a bite of scrambled eggs. He desperatly tried to swallow his food without coaghing like an idiot and he succeeded. ''C'mon, you're not exactly..You know healthy'' Harry said trying to sound as non-offended as he could.

Norman said with a very disturbing smile. ''I'm fine. But with the benefit of hindsight, I think it would be more suiting if Bernard drives us, don't you agree?'' Norman said. Harry nodded and took another bite of his breakfast.

''How do you know that I was going to school anyway?'' Harry asked and he drank his orange juice.

''Your laptop'' Norman said. ''Right..'' Harry said and he swallowed his last bite of his breakfast. ''Right'' He said and he looked down at his empty board.

Norman stood up and walked to the door. Bernard grabbed his oversized coat and helped Norman to put in on.

Harry stood up as well and the three walked out of the building towards the black limousine outside and went inside of it.. ''Where to go sir?'' Bernard asked.

''First to Midtown Science High School and then to Oscorp'' Norman said. ''How did you know which school?'' Harry asked astounded. ''Lucky guess'' Norman said grinning. Bernard started the engine and drove to Harry's new school.

Norman was leaning against the left door with his head towards Harry's. Harry didn't want to look at his father and stared out of the window.

They passed and big building with the text; Midtown Science High School. Bernard drove into the drive way where students walked out of the school busses.

The large limousine stopped and was instant eye-candy, everyone was either staring at the car or selfies with the car on the background. ''Well, that's pathetic'' Harry thought to himself as he saw students making selfies with the car.

''Bernard, can you stop around the corner?'' Harry asked. ''Why? The entrance it right over there'' Norman said pointing at the big entrance of the MSHS. ''I know, but you don't show up at public school in a limousine. It's just straight on weird'' Harry said.

''Do you want me to trade in my limousine just because you don't want people to look at you..?'' Norman asked sarcastically. ''It's just..Not for me..'' Harry said.

''Harry, don't ever be ashamed of who you are!'' Norman said. ''I'm not ashamed of who I am, it's just....'' Harry said.

''Just what?'' Norman asked. ''Forget it'' Harry said as he rolled his eyes. He opened the door roughly and stepped out of it. All the students around the school were looking at him and gossiping about him.

''Who is that?'' "I don't know, I've never seen him before'' ''He must be loaded, look at that limousine'' Some students whispered to each other. Harry ignored them and slowly entered the building.

He looked around and saw a sign with the help desk. He walked the way the sign said to and arrived at the help desk. ''Hello, can I help you?'' A man behind the desk said.

''Uh yeah, I'm Harry Osborn I signed in yesterday. I'm supposed to pick up my timetable here'' Harry said. The man looked down at his computer and was busy typing random keys.

''Welcome to our school!'' The man said and he handed the timetable over to Harry. ''Do I have a locker or something?'' Harry said. ''Oh yes, I'm sorry.It's number 287, it's around the corner'' He said and he handed Harry the key of his new locker.

''Thank you!'' Harry said and walked off to his way to his locker. ''285, 286..287'' Harry thought as he looked at all the lockers.

He opened his locker and saw that it was filled with books. He looked at his timetable and saw that he had chemistry in room 105 first. ''Chemistry...Seriously?'' Harry thought while he sighed.

He searched through his books until he saw his chemistry book. He looked to confused at his timetable, he had no idea where room 105 was.

He looked to girl who was halfway in her locker with her head. Harry was about to ask where room 105 was when he noticed that the girl was holding a notebook.

Harry looked at the notebook and he couldn't believe what he just read. "Mary Jane Watson?" Harry asked amazed.

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