Chapeter eight - Hacking Oscorp

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Harry looked at all the employees who were smiling and waving their hands to Harry. He saw everybody even Menken, everyone except for his father.

Harry walked into the hallway and faked a smile. "Thanks everyone!" Harry said looking at all the make-believe happy faces. The hallway they were in was decorated with festoons in all shades of blue and balloons with the Oscorp logo on them. On Harry's right stood a glass table which was entirely stacked with presents.

After several seconds everyone started to talk to each other while Harry sat down on a leather couch looking down at his feet wishing it was 2 PM until a shadowed fell over him. He looked up to see no one less than Dr.Connors with a chill-giving smirk on his face. "Happy birthday, Harry" Dr.Connors said and he sat down next to Harry.

"Thank you, Dr.Connors" Harry said. Dr.Connors smiled at Harry who looked a little gloom. "I would like you to meet someone" Dr.Connors said and got off the couch.

Dr.Connors walked to a man who leant against the wall looking obsessionally at a notebook in his hands. Dr.Connors said something to him and they both laughed and they next thing Harry knew they were coming his was. The man stretched his arm out and gave Harry a handshake.

"Happy birthday, I'm Dr. Otto Octavius" Dr.Octavius said. "Hey, nice meet you. Do you work here at Oscorp as well? I mean I come here like a lot, but I've never seen you before" Harry said.

"No, I get funded by Oscorp. You see I'm working on a new project of mine, I want to harness the thermonuclear energy that transpires from the sun and somehow duplicate it. I'm basically creating a new solar power fusion, I'm now working with the basics such as making polymerase chain reaction with Tritium to make-" Dr.Octavius said and he got interrupted by Dr.Connors. "Otto, I don't think that an 11-year-old boy cares. It's his birthday, don't bore him with your theories, besides i think your theory is flawed" Dr.Connors said as he smirked to Harry.

Harry looked past their heads and saw that it was 1:45 PM. "I-I..No I love theories..I was just--It was nice meeting you! But I gotta go" Harry said and he jumped of the coach. "Flawed?" Dr. Octavius asked amused. "Yes, I've seen your calculations and they're flawed" Dr. Connors said challenging. "And I have to take this from the guy who makes his living by petting lizards.." Dr. Octavius said grinning and thereby made Dr.Connors chuckle.

Harry ignored their endless blabbing and rushed to the hallway which lead to his father's office. He arrived at the massive door of his father office and heard his father shouting at someone.

"Please be on the phone, please be on the phone" Harry thought and he lingering opened the door to his father staring out of the window while holding a phone firmly in his hands. Harry sneaked in and closed the door quietly and looked around.

He looked to his right and saw the door which leaded to the security camera's room. He walked on his toes to the door and opened it.

Inside of the room were standing large monitors, through the monitors could Harry see everything inside and outside the tower.

"Okay.. where is the 'shut off all security cameras button'..." Harry whispered to himself.

He walked towards the monitors and looked at the big touchscreen pad under it. He pushed his hands on it and the screen turned green and the text 'acces available' came on it.

Harry swiped his hand over the touchscreen until he saw a folder named security. He opened the folder and saw the button to deactivate them all.

He swiped his and over it and the touchscreen said 'security cameras disabled'. "Yes! One down, only two to go" Harry whispered

He logged out and walked out of the room. His father was still on the phone so he Harry was unnoticeable.

Harry closed the door behind him and walked towards the gates. He took an old stairs hidden behind a large logo from Oscorp.

The stairs was made old and the hallway of it was dark with spiderweb's everywhere, it almost looked abounded.

It was a long walk downstairs but is was worth it, because he would finally have his best friend on his birthday. Harry reached the floor and opened the door to the gates

"I'm sorry you can't come here, you've got to leave" A security guard said and he grabbed Harry by his arm.

Harry looked angry at the man and freed himself from the security guard's hand.

"Do you know who I am? I'm Harry Osborn! and I came here to tell you that Quest Aerospace sent spies and they're breaking into the generators room right now" Harry said with an determined voice.

The man looked frightened at Harry and reached for his walkies-talkie. "Can I get back-up in the generators room?" The security guard said to his walkies-talkie.

Harry continued to walk to the gates. "Hey! where do you think that you're going!?" The security man shouted to Harry.

"Uhh..the...bathroom?" Harry said carefully. "Well okay, come upstairs when you're done" The security guard said. Harry looked confused and watched the man walk away.

" dad really needs to hire more intelligent staff....Or at least someone who can see the difference between a bathroom and a security gate" Harry thought as he smiled.

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