Chapter forty-six - The Fight

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Peter slowly yet carefully let go off Gwen and let her lie on the ground. He grabbed his mask off the floor and putted it on, he slowly looked up at Harry on the glider and squeezed his hands into fists. Harry was floating just underneath the shattered dome, just staring and smirking at Spider-Man.

Spider-Man's body filled itself with madness, violence and the lust for pure vengeance. ''You...Just made..The biggest.. Mistake of your life! And you're the creep who's going to pay!'' Spider-Man yelled and he shot his web at Harry's glider, although the distance was to big. Harry started to laugh like a lunatic again and slowly lifted up through the dome.

Harry was now floating a few inches above the dome and looked at New York city, which was already back in business, he cars were driving, the lights were on a the sound of honking and running engines was intensive. ''It's time to end this, once and for all!'' Harry said and he moved his left foot, making a pumpkin bomb fall out of the glider.

The bomb slowly fell through the dome and down towards Spider-Man. ''And boom goes the dynamite'' Harry said as he smiled. The wind whirled around him like a pact of wild wolves as Harry awaited for the sound of the explosion. No sound was heard from the bomb, no beeping and certainly no explosion. Then after ten seconds a soft beeping became hear-able for Harry, but it wasn't fading away in the depth, it was getting louder within each second.

He hovered a few inches towards the damaged iron frame. In a flash some kind of net with a device which was beeping stormed to Harry's glider. "No, it can't be!" Harry yelled as the net hit the right electromagnetic engine of the glider. The net appeared to be one of Harry's pumpkin bombs cascaded in webbing. The engine exploded and followed by a small grey smoke cloud.

Harry started to cough and squeezed his eyes together to avoid the smoke as he balanced on the left side of the glider. "My glider! You unthinking imbecile, you've ruined it! You'll pay for that action, Parker!" Harry yelled.

The smoke slowly dissolved into the air, and Harry open his eyes carefully. A blurry red with blue figure appeared through the smoke, a figure that was kneeling on the edge of the iron frame. "I'm not done with you yet!" The figure yelled and it jumped with an enormous amount of speed of the frame and right to Harry.

The figure landed on the right side of the glider. The smoke off the explosion drifted away and the figure who landed on the glider became crystal clear for Harry, it was Spider-Man the person he hoped it would be. Spider-Man was shaking with furiously and lifted up his arm and swung it to Harry, hitting his face and making him bleed throughout the corners of his mouth.

Harry whipped the blood of his lips and cheeks with his left hand. He looked at the blood sweeps and smirked. ''Okay. So you wanna play it this way huh?'' Harry said and he pulled his right arm back and swung it towards Spider-Man, who dodged it and stuck onto Harry's back. Spider-Man shot his webbing at the left side of the glider, a thick web thread stuck on the glider and Spider-Man yanked at it.

Harry lost his balance which caused the glider to flip aside and lowering down, faster and faster. "I'm taking you down, Harry! Even if it means I go with you!" Spider-Man yelled.

"So be it!" Harry yelled and he twisted around like a hurricane. The two dazzled throughout the sky and lowered down to the surface, racing through the empty air spaces between the skyscrapers.

"Why can't I get rid off YOU!?" Harry snarled and he tried to grab a hold of Spider-Man, who was avoiding his hands the entire time. Harry pulled his right hand backward to punch Spider-Man but was being held back by Spider-Man's webbing.

Spider-Man yanked multiple times at the webbing making Harry's fists jam into his own head, over and over again till the point that he was about to beat himself to death.

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