Chapter thirty-nine - Ravencroft

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Harry leaned against the door of the cab as it slowly stopped at the gates of the Ravencroft Institute for the Criminally Insane. One of the security guards signed that the cab had to stop and so it did.

The man walked over to the cab driver who pointed to the back. The glasses of the car were black so Harry was able to watch the security guard without him even noticing. The security guard walked to Harry's window and signed that he had to roll down his window.

Harry pulled down his window and smiled at the security man. ''Can I help you?'' The security guard asked to Harry. ''Uh Yeah, you could open the gate. I'm Harry Osborn. There's a patient in that isolation unit I need to see'' Harry said smiling.

The security guard's face changed from a strict and static emotion to a 'I don't know what to do' look. The managerial insisted that no one who wasn't part of the staff or authorized by him to enter any further than the main gate.

Ravencroft was heavily secured a little lesser than Oscorp, but still stupendously well secured. Ever since Donald Menken was authorized to enter Ravencroft on behalf of Oscorp was it that the security became soft for the name 'Oscrop'.

Ravencroft was a living nightmare for prisoners, the big heavy metal doors sealed their fate as they rotted away in the inside. You were lucky if you weren't one of the patients who got tested on. The experiments in Ravencroft were all preformed by the sadistic Doctor named Ashley Kafka, who liked to pretend to be caring and about forgiveness and redemption.

The experiments she performed were in every single way inhuman, like the whole purpose of Ravencroft. The most twisted souls were brought to that place to make them even suffer more.

They all went through several phases to go from twisted to the definition of insanity itself.

Phase one was the psychologist, they had to visit the one that was prescribed to them by Dr.Kafka.

Phase two was the experiments, Dr.Kafka gathered together a small group of doctors and scientists who did nothing else than watching the patient rot away in one of Ravencroft's curbing devices. The experiments didn't do anything good for either the patient or Dr.Kafka, because at the end none of the questions were answered.

Phase three was the isolation, the patient had to be isolated from humanity, to be out of the picture so to speak. Ravencroft locked up every patient they ever worked with, there were no exceptions. Once you got in you never got out, it would be your final resting place.

Dr.Kafka did not mind it at all that there were patient waiting to die in their chambers, for her it was all just a sick sadistic game one in which he was winning. That was how she did, that's how the Oscorp wanted it and that's how the world saw it, like an inconspicuous prison where all the prisoners were doomed to stay until the day they died.

The security man walked away from the cab and into a small security post next to black and white barrier. Harry's window was still opened and he looked at the man without getting noticed. ''What's wrong?" The gatekeeper asked.

''There's someone at the gate'' The security guard said as he looked down. ''Yeah, I can see that. Who?'' The gatekeeper said laughing. ''Harry Osborn..'' The securtity guard said softly. ''The kid from Oscorp?'' The gatekeeper asked.

The security guard looked up and nodded. ''What does he want?'' The gatekeeper asked. ''He wants to see one of our patients. I'm not sure if he's authorized to enter '' The security guard said.

''Take him to Joe, he'll knows it for sure'' The gatekeeper said as the securtiy guard nodded and walked to the entrance. The barrier opened and the cab drove onto the concrete parking lot.

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