Chapter five - Talk in Central Park

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Harry and Dr.Connors sat in the backseat of the cab, Harry was still trying to breath normally.

''Where to go, sir?'' The driver of the cab asked as he slightly moved his head towards Harry and Dr.Connors. ''To...''Dr.Connors said while he got interrupted by Harry. ''To Central Park..'''Harry said.

''Okay!'' The cab driver said and drove off. ''Why Central Park?'' Dr.Connors asked Harry. Harry looked out of the at his feet as Dr.Connors stared at Harry.

''Because I have to meet a friend there'' Harry said and he reached for his phone in his jacket.

He grabbed his phone and dialed Peter's number. Harry had one of the most advanced phones on the planet,and of course it was made by Oscorp.

'Hello?' ''Hey, Pete. Can we meet at our usual spot?' 'Sure! I'll be there' 'Okay, see ya' Harry and Peter both hung up.

''Who was that?'' Dr.Connors asked curious.

''Oh that? That was Peter Parker. My best friend in the whole world!'' Harry said with a big smile on his face.

Dr.Connors looked frightened at Harry and signed to the he had to pull over at this instant.

The cab pulled over and Dr.Connors opened the door. ''Where are you going?'' Harry asked with a confused look on his face.

Dr.Connors ignored Harry and walked to the cap drivers window, who rolled it down and looked with a glassy expression at him.

''Take him wherever he wants to go, call me for the bill..'' Dr.Connors said and he threw one of his business cards in his face.

Harry looked at Dr.Connors who speed walked away from the cab and vanished into the crowd. He lent backwards and rolled his eyes. ''You don't have to bill him. I got enough money to pay for myself'' He said. The cab driver rolled his eyes and started the engine. ''10-year-old telling me what to do..Stupid job..Could've gone to Harvard, but no I wanted to date that brazilian girl..'' The driver murmured to himself.

As the car drove towards its destination Harry looked out of the window in boredom. It was already starting to get dark and the light in the buildings were on, even he had to admit it was breath taking. All those little lights dangling in the black buildings, a lot of tourist came to New York just to see it.

Harry loved it as well the bright colours from billboards were his favourite, because he knew that one day he would end up on one of them.

He knew that his dad would give Oscrop to him when he retired. That was of course when he retired. Ol' storming Norman dedicated his entire life to make Oscorp a top of the list company. He wouldn't sell it for anything in the world, but there comes in everyone's life when even he has stop doing what they were doing and just settle with what time they have left.

In that case Harry would have all the power he could think of. He thought that he could immortalize himself after he had received that power. Not by keeping Oscorp of course. He'd just sell it to whoever offered the most. He already was rich, but with the money he receive after selling Oscorp would probably make him the most richest man on earth, with would pretty much immortalize him.

''We're here'' The driver said. ''Thank you'' Harry said and he opened the door. He got out of the car and he could feel a soft breeze against his face.

The sunset was about 30 minutes ago which meant that the sun was completely gone. Harry walked into Central Park, it was slightly lightened by park lanterns on the sidewalks.

Harry looked around and tried to find Peter but he couldn't see him. Harry walked to bench underneath a tree, it was the usual meeting place for him and Peter.

When Harry wasn't allowed to go home with Peter after school would he just say that he was going to Central Park alone.

They did it all the time, it was their little secret. They did this in secret because Norman Osborn didn't liked Peter, after what Richard Parker had done to him.

Norman and Richard were friends and partners, until Richard made the decision to take off toghter with everything he ever worked on.

Richard Parker was working on a special together with Dr.Connors, a project called Cross-species genetics. They were very close to the right formula until Richard Parker discovered what Norman Osborn was up to.

Richard left without a trace, he didn't even tell his colleague and friend Dr.Connors.

It was since that night that Norman Osborn had an awful hatred on the Parker family.

20 minutes had passed and the sky was dark and had a full moon. ''Harry?'' Peter said from a distance. Harry looked up saw Peter, he jumped of the bench and walked to Peter.

Peter and Harry hugged each other. Peter got his backpack of his shoulder and placed it down on the ground.

He got an small box out of it and gave it to Harry. "What's that?" Harry asked and he took the box out of his hands.

"It's a small gift, you know for your birthday." Peter said smiling. "Oh yeah, right. It's my birthday tomorrow... Totally spaced it.." Harry said.

He never liked his birthdays, because it was always the same. It would always be on the 56th floor in the Oscorp tower and only employees were allowed to come.

Harry wasn't allowed to invite anybody outside Oscrop, especially Peter. Norman didn't trust anybody except the people at Oscorp, like the employees would even think about double cross him, there wouldn't be a place in the world where they could hide from his wreath.

Even though Norman was concerned about the invitation list he was never really there. Sure he was in the building, but not even near Harry.

His dad would send on of his assistants to wish him a happy birthday, and Harry would have to accept that. Norman was always working and if he wasn't at The tower he would be at home to continue his work.

Harry opened the box and saw a picture of him and Peter. It was a picture from the day that they first met. They were standing in the glass elevator and Peter made the photo with the camera in his left hand.

"Thanks! I love it" Harry said and he hugged Peter. "I know that it isn't much.compated to whatever everyone wleae geta you, or what you already have but..." Peter said while Harry interrupted him "It's perfect!" Harry said and he smiled.

"So why did you wanted to meet?" Peter asked and they started to walk towards the lake in the middle of the park. "Well, my dad..I had too..He wanted.." Harry asked and he looked nervously around.

"What about him?" Peter asked. Harry looked at his feet and then at Peter. "He wanted to know if your father left you something, when he went away...I don't know exactly what, but just something. My dad is really eager to get it" Harry asked embarrassed.

Peter's smile disappeared and his face turned into a frown. ''I don't really want to talk about my father or my mother.. Besides I don't know much more about whatever our fathers were working on than you'' Peter said. Harry nodded and they continued to walk to the lake.

''So, do you have any idea what you might do tomorrow?'' Peter asked to change the subject. ''I don't know but it will probably be always...'' Harry said.

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