Chapter twenty-three - Mr.Osborn

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He walked through the busy crowd of people towards the Oscorp tower. Everywhere he looked were Spider-Man posters or video's on large billboards.

Harry ignored it all, he didn't wanted to hear or see anything at all of Spider-Man. Harry crossed over the big street towards the Oscorp tower.

There were people everywhere, and the noise they produced by talking was horrible. Harry stopped at a traffic light and looked around.

At his left was a elderly woman with a violin standing against the wall as she was played a song.

''Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a spider can. Spins a web, any size, catches thieves just like flies. Look out! Here comes the Spider-Man'' She sang with the most horrible voice.

Some people stopped with walking and gather around the woman.

''Spider-Man. Spider-Man friendly neighborhood Spider-man..'' A man in the crowd sang. Harry's body filled itself with rage and he stormed to the man.

''Listen! He is anything but friendly!'' Harry said very threatening. ''Easy...what are you talking about anyway..He's a hero!'' The man said.

Harry turned around and walked off. ''He's not a hero!'' Harry yelled and he crossed the street.

Harry finally arrived at the Oscorp tower and gazed around. The journalist were still standing outside of the tower waiting for answers.

Harry ignored them and walked into the door. ''Harry! A picture for the Daily Bugle!''Who's the owner of Oscorp now?'' The journalist shouted. Harry didn't look at them and opened the door.

Inside the lobby of the Oscorp were these massive television screens which normally showed what the temperature was or the latest news bulletins, but not this time. The television screens showed an image of Norman Osborn.

'Last night the founder of Oscorp, Norman Osborn passed away. We will continue our research and expand our knowledge. We will now show you some of his latest footage.

I started Oscorp because I looked at the world around me and I thought, we can do better, and we should do better. Einstein said the world cannot be changed without changing our thinking. But change isn't just a slogan, it begins with hard work. Change begins with persistence and commitment' Kari and Norman Osborn said.

Harry sighted and walk into the elevator. 'What floor?' Kari asked. ''56...'' Harry said with a soft voice. The elevator went up and Harry looked out of the elevator.

There were policemen everywhere and the destruction of the glass was still very noticeable. The doors opened and Harry stepped in the almost destroyed hallway.

He walked to the whole where his father's door to his office were. ''Hey you! This in a crime scene, you can't be here!'' One of the investigators yelled.

Harry ignored him and walked into the office. ''Are you deaf?'' The investigator said. Harry looked the investigator in the eyes and walked to him. ''This was my father's office. ..I'm Harry Osborn'' He said.

''Oh I'm sorry...and I'm sorry for your loss..'' The investigator said. Donald Menken stormed into the room and looked amazed at Harry.

''Why are you here?'' Menken asked. ''You called....'' Harry said with a timid voice. Menken nodded to the investigator and signed to Harry that he needed to follow him.

They entered a large meeting room, with in the middle of the room a large table. "I'll go get the others.." Menken said. Harry nodded and sat down behind the large table.

He did his hands in his pocket and reached for the cube his father gave him. He held it in his hand and studied it. "What is this..?" Harry whispered to himself.

"Please sit down" Menken said and he pointed to the chairs. Around seven employees walked into the room and sat down at the large table.

''Have you decided what you want to do with Oscorp yet?'' Menken asked. Harry was still studying the cube. ''I want to keep it..'' Harry said.

''Harry, Oscorp's been under intense public scrutiny in the wake of Dr. Connor's recent uh... breach of trust'' Menken said.

''You mean people are pissed off cause he tried to turn everyone in New York City into giant lizards'' Harry said sarcastically.

''Given that...all the animals hybrid programs he was involved in were destroyed to restore investor confidence'' Menken said with hope that he would get Oscorp from Harry.

''Ah, that is the Osborn way. Whatever's inconvenient around here just get rid of it, right?'' Harry said smiling and he putted the cube back in his jacket.

''Much of that scrutiny may fall on you now. We felt that plausible deniability was your best option'' Menken said and he looked at everyone else at the table.

''Sure, sure. I get it. Eighteen-year-old kid, two hundred billion dollar company. What was dad thinking? I mean, you're all lawyers, right? Surely someone must have questioned his sanity in the end. Someone must have thought about having him declared legally incompetent, it would have made this conversation a lot easier--Seriously how hard could thinking possible be?'' Harry asked.

''Harry...'' Menken said sighing. ''It's Mr.Osborn, we're not friends..'' Harry said with a foul smile.

Harry looked at a girl with black hair who looked around the same age as him. ''Hi. You were his assistant, right?'' Harry said.

The girl looked to Harry and nodded. ''What's your name?'' Harry asked. ''Hardy, Felicia Hardy'' Felicia said. Harry looked to everyone at the table and smiled.

''Felicia Hardy... Listen up from now on everybody at this table works for Felicia, because Felicia works for me. Would anybody like to speak up?'' Harry said.

Felicia smiled and looked at Harry, nobody said anything and they all stared down at the table. ''Well, good. Then you can all keep your jobs a little longer'' Harry said smiling.

''Sir, there's a Peter Parker here to see you'' A butler said. Harry nodded and looked at Felicia. ''Felicia, I want to see every file on this list.

Every single one...'' Harry said and he walked off. ''We've got to get rid of him, he's going to ruin Oscorp..'' Menken whispered.

Harry walked into the hallway and saw Peter. ''What are you doing here?'' Harry asked. Peter turned around and saw Harry.

''I'm so sorry about your father...'' Peter said. Harry nodded quick. ''I-I'm in a meeting so...'' Harry said.

''Ooh okay, I just wanted to let you know that if you need me I'm there for you..'' Peter said and he walked towards the elevator.

''Wait..'' Harry said and Peter turned around smiling. ''I wanna show you something'' Peter said and he signed to Harry that he needed to follow him.

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