Chapter eleven - Airplanes

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The car pulled over and Bernard grabbed Harry's suitcase and open the door. He walked out of the car and unlocked Harry's door.

Harry looked blankly at Bernard and stepped out. The sunset was a few minutes away and the airport lighted up.

Everywhere were people parking and walking away and back to their cars. It looked like everyone liked bring inside of the airport, because they probably had a great vacation or looking forward to their vacation, and then there was Harry who don't even knows where he's going to.

"Are you ready?" Bernard asked. Harry looked at him with a straight face and started to walk to the entrance of the airport.

Bernard walked after him with Harry's suitcase in his hand. Harry and Bernard walked into the airport.

Harry knew that he could just run away right now, just go a random direction and hide until Bernard leaves. But what good would it do, what could an eleven year old boy do all alone.

It was like he was in a death row, knowing that there are several ways to escape. Although none would matter, you could run away, but you cannot escape your faith.

"This is your flight, Mr.Osborn" Bernard said and he pointed to a sign which said Chicago. Harry nodded and grabbed his suitcase out of Bernard hand.

"I'm sorry.." Bernard said and he handed Harry the flight ticket over. "Yeah..I'm sure you are.." Harry said sarcastically. "Harry...I" Bernard said softy.

"Goodbye, Bernard" Harry said determined as he walked away from him. Bernard sighed and looked Harry deeply in his eyes.

Harry walked towards the security check point and walked to the cashier. Before he faced the cashier he took one last look at Bernard, who was standing there with no emotion at all. 

Harry turned his face around to the cashier and stood on his toes to see the cashier.

"Hello young man, how can I help you?" The cashier said to Harry. "I was told to give this ticket to you" Harry said and he handed over his flight ticket. "You're traveling all by yourself. a private plane..?" The cashier asked confused.

Harry nodded and stared at his hands. "The plane is parked outside, on the left side of the airport. You have to go through the V.I.P gate, which is over there. Have a nice flight!" The cashier said and she pointed to the left.

Harry grabbed his ticket and walked to the V.I.P gate. "Name?" The security man who was standing next to the gate asked.

"Harry Osborn" Harry said. The man looked at a small tablet like book and nodded. Harry walked into the gate. Once he got into the 'heart' of the gate saw he signs with names on it.

The 4th was for Harry, because his name was on it. Harry walked into the small gate. "Ticket please" A friendly voice said.

Harry showed his ticket and the woman ripped of a small stroke of the left side of the ticket. "Have a nice flight!..." The lady said and she looked at the ticket.

"Mr.Osborn!" She said opened the plane door for Harry. He walked into the plane and sat down in a leather chair next to the window. Harry heard some footsteps coming towards him, he turned around to see who it was.

It was one of the pilots who came get some coffee. "So is this your first flight alone huh?" The pilot asked while he pressed the button for coffee.

"Yeah, I guess so.." Harry said sadly. "It's not a scary thing or anything, you can relax. Watch the New York skyline or something. It will ease you up" The pilot said smiling. Harry tried to smile back and leaned against the leather chair.

"Well, if you have any questions you can come ask them of course! But for your own sake only do this when it's absolutely necessary. You can bump your head pretty hard when we experience some turbulence, trust me on this one..I had to learn this the hard way" The pilot said chuckling and he walked back to his seat.

Harry sighed and held his hands in the pockets of his jeans, and plane slowly started to move. Harry felt that the plane was lifting it self of the ground and decided to take one last look at New York.

"Goodbye....Life...This is where it'll end for me.." He whispered to himself. The lights in the cabin went out and the only thing what was lighting up were skyscrapers outside and they slowly began to get dark just like the cabin.

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