♿︎ ძᥱᥱ⍴ sᥱᥲ - 𝖿ᥣ᥆ᥡძ ᥣᥱᥱᥴһ 🐙

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Requested! 🤠

{Very late, I'm so sorry...}

It's like- I cant write this stuff but it was requested so why not y'know?

𝑃𝑙𝑜𝑡 ~ Damn second time's a rollin'. The ocean is hot hot hot! And the sea creatures are horny horny horny! Hot girl summers and a beach bod ain't hard to have this time around. Like damn, just look at these scrumptious students of Octavinelle *f-boy face* And oop- They noticed us eeeeek! 😆 (kill me...)

I can't write smut but let's pop off with this y'all
{yes it is still Ace's fault}


"Stay the fuck away from me..." You grimaced, backing away from the ginger as you three walked in the halls.

"Oh come on! What did I even do?!" Ace raised his arms, confused of his stupidity.

"Everytime I'm close to you I get back luck..." You huffed out a sigh. Deuce walked between you two with a deadpan.

"Ugh- what? No! Name one time I brought bad luck to you?" The idiot- I mean ginger pouted angrily.

"I can name several. I even have a list because I thought you would one day need it for you funeral" Deuce spoke up. Ace looked at him with a look that said 'Are you fr?'.

"Just in case" the bluenette shrugged.

"I- whatever, let's just go to class" Ace gave up protesting and shoved his hands into his pockets as he walked ahead.

You and Deuce high fived and laughed before all three of you entered the classroom. Mr. Crewel entered the classroom after you three and waited for everyone to it on their lab coats and gear. He then started teaching and instructing.

"Whatever you do, do not stray from my instructions. We wouldn't want any bad puppy to cause a disaster do we?" He glanced at our trio, finally a full trio so atleast one of us can keep an eye on Ace.

He then looked away and continued to instruct us. Luckily we had done everything right.

Deuce had kept threatening to drop cauldrons on Ace so he kept still and didn't touch anything for the experiment. We had done everything right, thankfully.

"Final step is to say the spell. Since almost every group had all but one member participating, that person shall do the spell" Crewel said, smacking his whip onto his hand.

As he did so, both you and Deuce froze. As he smacked the whip onto his hand you both felt like your lives were over. Deuce sighed and handed Ace the spell book while internally praying to the great seven.

(Queen of hearts rn: Damn, he finna kill y'all...rip)

Ace took the book and stood up with a confident smile. "Hehaha! I've got this~ No need to be all scared Deucey"

"Kill yourself..."

"Alright let's see.." Ace ignored Deuce's words of 'encouragement' and looked at the page with the spell, squinting his eyes as he started to read.

"Darius Idu Icamusa mua raio cuos mateau..ungo sutako...uhh fishu? Uhhhh suwah eelua? What the fuck am I reading?" Ace turned the book upside down as he attempted to read the spell.

𝑩𝑨𝑫 𝑻𝑯𝑶𝑼𝑮𝑯𝑻𝑺 /𝑇𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑊𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑂𝑛𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠/Where stories live. Discover now