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465 10 24

Second chance we go
Mad spicy
Had this idea mid Spanish class my dudes
Also yeah idf understand shit that I learnt in Spanish cause I passed out from the heat lol
I almost died wtf 💀


"Hngh~~! F-fuck... nh-.. Jade please~!" |M|'s brows furrowed as sweat rolled down his forehead, cheeks painted with a deep crimson as his eyes clouded lustfully.

Now, you might be wondering, how the fuck did we get here right? You might be saying, what the fuck- we just started 😃. You might even be thinking, holy shit- please tell me no one was looking over my shoulder. Hell, you were probably even reading this with a friend and told them that you don't read dirty stuff but had to toss your phone cause that came out of nowhere.

But let's take this back a little bit. To maybe a few doors ago, might I even say, a few days.


"Holy fuck shut your bitch ass up" Yuu was sitting on the floor, hardcore glaring down Ace. The ginger glared back at him, just trying to make some sense of what they just ran from.

It was Rush since the two rooms they went through didn't have closets and Rush was closing in on them, not to mention they had all passed out from exhaustion two days before and got rudely awoken. |M| kicked Yuu lightly in his side since he was being rude again. They were only on door 26 and shit was NOT fun.

"Geez, who shit in your food?" Ace rolled his eyes, slicking his hair back while his other hand went in his pocket.

"At this point I'd rather eat shit since I'm fucking starving in this hell hole. I mean, what kind of hotel doesn't have fucking room service??" The prefect scoffed, kicking down a table with a vase on it.

"We really have to get out before I lose my daily streak. What kind of high level quest did I stumble into?" Idia sighed as he shook his head. Ruggie glanced at him before opening one of the doors again.

Everyone groaned and got up to continue the run. The door to the next room was duplicated, they both had different numbers on them. Yuu looked back, noticing that the door number was scratched off.

"Great, any guesses on the door number that was there literally two seconds ago?" He turned back to the group, everyone shrugged.

"Well your guess is as good as ours" Jamil sighed, glancing at the two doors. |M| looked at the note before handing it to Silver and going up to the left door. He pushed his ear up to the wall and heard a grumbling noise.

"Right door is the safe one" he said after a few seconds, Jamil went over and opened the door, the next room being revealed after it. Still, |M| stood by the duped door for a moment longer.

"I'm totally opening it~" Floyd walked over with a huge grin and opened the door, the entity pulled |M| in before spitting him back out. He groaned on the floor, bite marks with a black mist emitting from it on his neck and shoulder.

"Oopsie" the eel knelt down as everyone else rushed over to check on him.

"Ah....h-hurts..." we're the only words |M| was able to mutter as his face was scrunched up in pain. Silver checked the bites, some black liquid also around the marks. Not to mention they seemed to be pretty deep in the skin but for some reason |M| wasn't bleeding.

𝑩𝑨𝑫 𝑻𝑯𝑶𝑼𝑮𝑯𝑻𝑺 /𝑇𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑊𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑂𝑛𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠/Where stories live. Discover now