🖤 g᥆᥆ძᥒіgһ𝗍 - sіᥣ᥎ᥱr ☮︎

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𝑃𝑙𝑜𝑡 ~ A dream that I wish would only be but a dream. It's hard to wake up... I hate waking up...

Note: I'm sorry + Prolly shorter that usual chaps


I'm asleep again. In a dark space all alone.

I see a small cat, it stares at me too. It's white fur with small grey patches on its back. It ears the same grey. It's eyes are beautifully rare in colour. Before I could think again it turns and walks away.

"Hey-" I follow after it, being led through the darkness. I look around and see nothing but the cat in front of me. Once I return my direct attention to the cat, it's gone.

I stop and look around me, seeing it off in the distance. I run up to it as it turns around and stops, sitting down and looking up at me.

"Mraw.." It looks at me, barely making another sound. It stood once again and turned, looking up at me before walking into the void once again.

I continue to follow it as the scenery around us slowly warps into a forest. A large tree is up ahead as I stare in awe. Once we get to it the cat stretches and yawns before curling up in a small section in the roots.

I look at it with a smile and sit next to it, touching it's soft fur. I feel my eyelids grow heavy and let out a yawn before I drift off to sleep. I could hear the purring of the cat echoing in the dark before it grows quiet.


I once again see a void around me. I look down and see the cat licking it's paw. It stops after a small while and looks up at me.

"Mraw!" It sits up and rubs it's head against my leg. I smile softly before it begins to walk away again. It stops like once before and looks at me before continuing.

I follow it once again as it leads me through the darkness. It stops and turns to me, sitting down and looking at my face. It tilted it's head before reacting strangely and running off.

"Wait!" I chase after it, hearing the sound of my footsteps grow louder. I stop and hold my head, the pitter-patter sound echoing throughout the void.

It finally stops as I look ahead, seeing the cat running off in the far distance. I let out a sigh and look around, hearing a distance hum. I walk in the direction of the humming, the voice growing louder along with the sound of my footsteps.

I stopped, seeing the cat sitting down and staring into the void. I walked up to it before I heard the chime of a cat bell. I looked around before looking back towards the cat. It was gone.

"Come on..." I sighed, looking around and trying to find the feline once again. I heard the distant humming once more and followed the voice.

It was growing louder and clearer. The space around me started to shift and turn into a different scenery. The cat ran past me, I picked up my pace and followed after it. We were in a forest again as the cat slowed down.

It turned towards me and tilted it's head. I frowned at it to which it responded by licking it's paw. I sighed and looked around, walking further into the forest. The cat followed next to me, looking straight ahead.

𝑩𝑨𝑫 𝑻𝑯𝑶𝑼𝑮𝑯𝑻𝑺 /𝑇𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑊𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑂𝑛𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠/Where stories live. Discover now