𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐟? (shit post-ish/telling yall stuff/ a-n)

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So, I'm taking a short break aside from the unannounced one...
Yeah sorry

Thing is, I'm really overwhelmed since it's close to winter break and I need to do my assignments sooo I'm needing some time. I assure you that I have your requested chapters in the making. Like halfway done for all of them.

Also I'm slowly trying to fix up the shitty previous chapters that I wrote. Yeah I cringe everytime I reread them. And the grammar is just ugh...

I'll make you know whenever a chapter is edited, stuff is posted in the announcement chapter. I don't even think anyone checks it. Clearly, if you don't see all the important info that I tell y'all whenever something comes up.

Also whenever I try to fix the order of the chapters it never works so my book looks messy... Ew
ESPECIALLY the freaking octavinelle story chapter. It doesn't move no matter what I do. I'm getting sick and tired of it fr. Wanna delete it but I like where it's at tbh.

Ugh and not to mention I'm getting sick and tired of the randos irl that are so lonely and decide to bully me cause they bored or some shit. Y'know what I do though? Ignore their asses. Why focus on 'em when I can just not 😗

Works like a charm I must say, they get annoyed and leave me alone. Ugh now I'm just ranting and venting. Well barely venting, I'm lowkey just expressing. I also have this irl book called SnowFall that is my own personal boredom reliever. Idk why I had felt the need to tell ya but I did so yeah.

I also have this neat (messy af) little paper book of 'Outta pocket quotes'. One of my favourite quotes in the book are one from each of my friends.

"Is she moaning??"        -Irl friend #1

"I have 15 inches"           -Irl friend #3

"How do you draw condoms???"           -Irl friend #2

"You and your WEDGES!!"          -Irl friend #4

"Why is it rock hard?"          -Me tbh...

Y'know what nvm cause there is too many.. Holy cow
Too many people in our group say too many things and god damn...

Anyways, by the time I have the chapters done and the others edited ilk probably be able to make a new years chapter. And it'll be cute.

Quick disclaimer for the person who requested the Savanaclaw trio chap, it's lowkey ass and I can't figure out where I fucked it up so yeah...
It's just gonna be permanently like that cause I haven't figured out how to un-fuck it up...


I'm gay

Bye dearlings ❤

Have a great night/day cause for legal reasons idk what country or residency you reside in 😊

Peace ✌

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