☁︎һᥱᥲr𝗍𝖿ᥱᥣ𝗍 - ᥲᥴᥱ 𝗍rᥲ⍴⍴᥆ᥣᥲ♡

828 11 0

Ft: Deuce, Grim, Yuu (separate)

Angst-ish to Fluff

Summary: Ace-wacey is sadsy wadsy and needs a hugsy wugsy from his best "friend".

That summary is killing me on the inside...
Also I'm cheating on c.ai with janitor ai 🙃
I used it here


Ace sits on the floor in his room close to his bed, his head on his knees as his arms wrap around them. Small sniffles are heard from him as he hugs his legs tighter.

At this point he didn't even know why he was crying. His best 'friend' was seen having fun with Kalim just a few minutes ago. They were so close together, Ace had felt bitter and jealous.

He ran straight to his room and locked himself in.

He didn't know why but after that he just started crying and over thinking things. "Ma..maybe he hates me..." His eyes gloss with tears once again, falling at a slow speed.

"He l-looked so happy w-..without me..." He sniffles and started crying again. Every time the two hung out they would get into playful arguments and sometimes small fights.

Ace could never tell if he was serious about the arguments and it hurt him to think that. "...Why do I even care... He's just my friend h-he can hang with whoever he w-.." He thought for a moment.

The weight of his denial weighing down his heart. As much as he wanted to deny, he didn't want anyone else to be so touchy with M/n. He hated seeing it.

*knock knock*

Ace lifts his head quickly and stares at the door, trying to wipe his tears quickly.

"Hey Ace are you in there?" A familiar voice asks.

The ginger tries to answer but his words get caught in his throat. He feels a sting in his heart as it's speed picks up. He didn't want to see him right now.

"Ace are you there? Come on dude, what's with the silence? If you don't come out I'm eating the tart that Trey left in the fridge for you~"

He still didn't answer. He felt tears falling down his face again as he desperately tried to stop them. His mind filled with the memories of earlier once again. Low but audible sobs left his lips.


The door opened slightly as he looked away to hide his face.

The sound of quick footsteps are heard before two arms wrap around him. "Why are you crying?" A soft voice fills his ears, he looked at M/n slowly.

The male's eyes widen as his hold on the ginger tightened. "What happened to you?" He asked again, his voice filled with concern.

"I-its nothing... Just go away!" Ace tries to push him off. M/n is stunned, looking at his face with confusion. He could tell that Ace looked hurt, but he didn't know why.

"Ace... I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong" he persist, placing a hand on his cheek and wiping his tears.

Ace just started crying again, not knowing why again. "I-i don't...wanna see y-you! L-leave..." he turned away, not moving the hands from his face. "Just go a-and enjoy y-you time with Kalim..." he mumbled, M/n heard it however and pulled him into a hug.

He pulled Ace onto his lap and placed his head in the crook if his neck. "Is that what this is about? You saw me hanging out with Kalim? Ace..." He sighed and lifted the gingers head for him to look into his eyes.

"Were you jealous?"

"..." Ace looked away, not wanting for M/n to see his face. That was the truth, he was in fact jealous. He hated that truth too.

"Y-yes..." He mumbled. A small smile grew on M/n's face as he hugged Ace again, combing his hand through jus hair to calm him down.

"Why?" Ace shuddered at the close proximity and the sudden question.

"B-because... I want to hang it with you. I don't like when anyone else does" he flushed in embarrassment, burying his face in the latter's shoulder.

"...Ace.." M/n thought for a moment, his cheeks tinted pink at the small confession. "Do you...have a crush on me?" He turned his head a little, his lips almost touching the former's ear

Ace sprung up, his face as red as Riddle when he's furious. "W-..WHAT?! N-no way! I-i...mm..." He looked away and bit his bottom lip. "M-maybe... Just a little... Ok fine maybe I do so what?" He admitted finally.

A soft kiss was placed on his lips, surprising him for a moment. He kinda liked it and kissed back. His arms wrapped around M/n's neck as the kiss kept going. The (h/c) male pulled away and smiled at the ginger, caressing his cheek with his thumb.


"Don't call me that dammit!"

"You recovered quick..."

"Tch! Whatever..." Ace looked away with his arms crossed, his cheeks flushing red once again. "I don't want you to hang out with anyone else you here me?" he poked his index finger in the latter's chest as he spoke.

"Mhm, I won't. I'll give my Acey all of my attention~" he whispered in his ear causing the ginger to flinch. He pulled back and chuckled.


"Oh! You found him!"

The two turned their heads to the door frame to see Deuce and Grim. The duo looked relieved before a certain student walked over and stood behind Grim.

"Gosh, I told you two not to disturb them..." Yuu groaned and picked up Grim.

"But you also said to make sure everything was alright in here..." Grim folded his paws over each other and rolled his eyes.

"You did say that..." Deuce said in agreement, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

Yuu sighed and turned his attention to the two on the floor. "What are you two doing?" He tilted his head slightly and raised an eyebrow.

Ace stood up quickly and brushed himself off. M/n stood up too and hugged his waist. "Why are you in such a rush?" He whispered near his ear. Ace flinched again as his face glowed red.

The trio by the door gave each other a knowing look and backed away. "You two have fun~" Yuu said while smirking before he ran off with Deuce following behind.

"Hey wait!" Ace reached out but to no luck. They had already ran off.

"I won't do anything to you yet. We just started dating anyways" M/n mumbled as he rubbed his nose against the ginger's neck.

"We're dating now... This is...all moving so fast..." Ace mumbled and covered his face with the back of his hand. M/n chuckled before pulling him along with him.

He pushed Ace onto the bed and lay next to him. "Enough talk now darling, you need sleep" he kissed him on the forehead and cuddled close to him.

"Y-yeah whatever" he closed his eyes and tried to steady his breathing.

This was too much...



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