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Ft: Crewel, Deuce, Ruggie

𝑃𝑙𝑜𝑡 ~ Imagine a nice day in heat season right? Hot girl summers, beach time and horny NRC Savannaclaw and Octavinelle residents. But we're not focusing on Octavinelle in this chapter. No no, let's dive into Savannaclaw and their residents yeah? More specifically, their Housewarden.

white hair - default for most of these one shots, you can change it...


"This sucks..." You folded your arms over your chest, walking along side the A-Deuce duo. Yuu and Grim went ahead of you three, leaving you three together.

Crowley had made an announcement that the students from Savanaclaw and Octavinelle have to stay inside since it's heart season. You would completely understand, but the thought of Crowley assuming that it's the same with beast men and merpeople makes you roll your eyes.

"I totally understand how stupid this sounds. But maybe he's actually onto something?" Ace shrugs,shaking his head in the process. You sighed, still having your doubts. Then again, seeing the lack of Octavinelle and Savanaclaw students present in the halls does bring you to some agreement.

"Whatever" You rolled your eyes, feeling slightly bitter about the whole thing. "Then again, Leona-san is most likely still pissed about the whole thing" you sighed, tilting your head to the side.

Ace grinned before covering his mouth, Deuce on he other hand seemed confused. "After...what happened?" the spade asked.

"Pft- you mean when you 'accidentally' washed his sheets with pink clothes?" Ace snickered, placing a hand on your shoulder. You glared at him and slapped his hand off your shoulder.

You walked ahead as the other two tried to keep up with you.

"It was an accident you ass" you sat down, folding your arms over your chest and looking away. The two sat down, Ace nudging your side before Crewel walked in.

Crewel explained what the lesson was for today's class. Simply put, making potions with a partner.

As if lady luck despised you, Ace was assigned your partner as he was closes to you. Before you could even begin to complain, Crewel already began instructing.

"Now listen carefully, place a single one of these mushrooms in the cauldron. If you do not see it on your workstation alert me and do not try to get it on your own. This potion for today is of speed enhancement, now..." He continued on, the class paying close attention.

"A potion of speed enhancement huh..." You took down notes, ensuring not to miss anything important.

"This is so boring..."Ace spoke from beside you but you simply ignored him.

Crewel continued to explain the uses of the ingredients that they were given and told everyone to put a dark pink mushroom in the cauldron. He didn't thoroughly explain every single ingredient with the teaching intent for everyone to figure out what they would do.

Ace yawned and picked up a container of odd looking dust. He shook it around before grinning, checking to see if anyone noticed him.

He snuck his hand towards the fire gem controls and turned up the heat. |M| hadn't noticed and had simply kept his focus on the recipe. Ace opened the container and threw some of the pretty dust inside as it changed colours while falling.

"Trappola what are you doing?!" Crewel shouted, causing Ace to flinch which resulted in the container slipping from his hands and falling into the cauldron.

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