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A shadowed figure sits upon a throne-like seat.

Their head rested on their fist as their eyes we're shut.

Who could they be?

A black flame appeared before them. Their long eyelashes fluttered apart as their eyes opened.

Their head lifted ever so slightly as their dark pupils landed on the flame.

It turned into a mirror with an eye at the top. The eye stared back at him before displaying some sort of footage.

A male with h/c hair had his face planted in a textbook as he was surrounded by many others.

Three other males sat with him as they all tried to study.

The mysterious person grinned, their posture fixing.

"Ah, I've finally found you"

They stood up, heels clopping on the floor beneath them as they walked over to the mirror.

"My dear you are certainly a tough one"

Their hand touched the mirror as it zoomed in, getting a closer look at the face of the distressed male.

"Going so far to escape me~"

They chuckled, lifting the levitating mirror. The eye looked down before staring up at the mysterious person.

It glowed red, shaking violently.

"Now I won't ever allow you to leave my grasp"

The eye shook faster, engulfing itself in a bright red. The person chuckled darkly.

The eye exploded, shattering the mirror as well. The person lowered their hand, beginning to walk off.

"We shall finally end this game my dearest. . ."

They left the throne room they resided in, the light in the halls showing their face.

Their night black hair paired with their deep blue eyes. Their long lashes and beauty mark just below their lips.

He chuckled, placing a hand on his hip. A dangerous look danced across his beautiful face as eyes appeared all around him.

He was surrounded by black flames, setting a course to Night Raven College.

". . .This pathetic game of"

The eyes flew off as he vanished.

"Hide and Seek. . .Fu fu~"


[One cannot escape my clutches~]
[I will find you]

[-Hide and Seek-]

A new character has appeared
Do you think he's dangerous?

Is he out to kill you? (m/n)

We shall find out~
Beware . . .

Roselette Harin

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