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Remodel, Rewrite and Rethink

The book is gonna be going through some changes over some time so if you see something in the chapters that weren't there before then that's why.

Most chapters will undergo this change but I cant guarantee all will. I'll start with the most popular ones to be honest so you'll all most likely see the change on those.

Secondly, I'mma change the cover and title to fit my current mindset rn. It's gonna be shocking (idk) at first but you'll get used to it. Once you see the new title, cover and such, don't worry it's still the same book. From the same lazy writer on the same concerning app!

So yeah

Also I'mma need some time to post out all these chapters because currently I have an actual total of 6 chapters in the writing and to be honest there might be more. They are requests plus some thoughts that I turned into chapters. I wanted to delete one but I just loved how I described Ace and Deuce's outfits so I changed my mind.

For the requested chapters I might need you to be a little more in depth with how you want the story to play out. Not detailed though. Hmm.. Oh! Like this-

Riddlesleftsock: Write a Jack x reader lemon 🤩 OOOOOOH but make Jackie Jackie be working out 🤭😏😫

Does that sound good? It's because I'm having some issues writing the chapter and have been stuck with writers block because of it. I'm so sorry to the requesters cause ik you rlly wanted these chapters to be out sooner but I'm writer blocked 😔

Also, if you wanna make a request but feel a lil' embarrassed to say it in the comments then jus DM me 😶
I prolly should'a said that earlier

Anyways, those are basically all the important highlights for today. Oh! Right, I may go on a hiatus while I do all these updates and rewrites plus I gotta make a whole new set of covers.

I premade a bunch but then I realized I wanted the story to have a new title. Yeah... I'll work on it another time

Bye bye my dearlings 🤭

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