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Welcome again. Shall we reveal some more lore? This is mostly because I added more lore! Hah! I never give up the chance for more lore hehe


"Oh you're back" the face of your own stares down at you.

Who are you!?

"Thats a stupid question. I'm you, are you that idiotic to not know that?" 'You' mocked yourself, a wide grin on the 'your' face.

There's no way! How can you be me? I-... Whatever. I want you to continue showing me what happened!

"Fuck no" 'your' face fell, as your eyes widened in shock.

"When I tried to, your dear prince shut me out. You're lucky I was able to let you come back to this world. I had to make some...'arrangements' so you could meet me here" the other you folded his arms, rolling his eyes and glancing at the void around you two.

Well then.. Tell me why I can't hear myself but you can? Why I'm like this...

"Oh? You finally ask about that huh? Because this is my world, your mind is my escape. The only place I can stay without getting caught" his gaze trailed to the side. "Most of the time..."

Why my mind?

"You ask a lot of questions, at least you're not as naïve as before.. I'm in your mind because-...⊑⟒'⌇ ⍙⏃⏁☊⊑⟟⋏☌ ⋔⟒" he grinned, his smile soon falling a moment after he spoke. "I can make you talk if you feel so privileged" he snapped his fingers.

"... You.. What did you say just now?" You stood up finally, realizing that the other you was taller by an inch or two.

"It doesn't matter. I'm only on your mind because ⟟'⋔ ⎅⟒⏃⎅.. He's still aware as it seems.." The other you look troubled, looking around cautiously.

You remembered what had happened last time before you woke up. The last thing the other you said was something about Malleus. You were trying to figure out what he meant. The whole time after that you kept seeing a slightly different side of Mal. It was...weird.

"Weird huh? Malleus been acting different since I spoke to you" the other you smiled, it held an odd meaning behind it. Like a smile of someone that knew something.

"Yeah... He's been closer? It's like he's keeping an eye on me" you shuffled, placing a hand on your chin.

"Every since the new years celebration?" He grinned, you swiveled your head to him. How did he...

"How did you know that?" You were scared, swallowing heavily.

"He's also been watching while you plan an outing with Jamil and one with Idia. While you hung out with Lilia, when you- oops! I'm not supposed to tell you that!" He chuckled and covered his mouth with his hand. You stared at him with a horrified look across your face.

How does he know about all this? How..who really is he? All this is scary. It's beginning to creep you out. You took a few steps back as he stopped laughing and looked at you.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" he grinned, walking towards you. You panicked and stepped back again, falling backwards off of a platform. All you heard was his voice echoing in the void.

𝑩𝑨𝑫 𝑻𝑯𝑶𝑼𝑮𝑯𝑻𝑺 /𝑇𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑊𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑂𝑛𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠/Where stories live. Discover now