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New years no? Simple as that! Lilia's birthday is to be celebrated tomorrow so worry not! Malleus was invited to both so let's celebrate!!


"Not there! Put them up there!" Riddle pointed at the far left wall, directing some of the Heartslabyul students on where to decorate.

He let out a sigh, hoping that this would go better and faster. In only a few minutes it was going to be New Year's day. The clock was counting down, 19 minutes left. Everyone hoped they could finish decorating in time.

"Argh...! Not there! Who puts streamers on a table?!" Azul groaned, the student apologizing before running off with the decoration. The tweels were doing there part, helping to reach the higher areas.

The cafeteria ghosts were taking orders and preparing food. Trey and Jamil were helping out as much as they could, even with their help this was overwhelming.

"Come on! Come on! This is taking forever!" Idia was trying to reboot the internet, for some reason it decided to go down now of all times. Could this get any worse?

Ortho was glitching out because of this, unintentionally knocking over the new year numbers. Ace gasped and caught it, struggling since they were so heavy. Why couldn't they use balloons like everyone else??

Deuce came over to help him before Jack effortlessly put the number back in place. Malleus did what he could with setting up the fireworks outside. Yuu was struggling since he couldn't figure it what wire would connect all the electricity powered ones together.

|M| tumbled over with the boxes of decorations, scattering paint all over the floor. He groaned and continued to lay there before he was pulled off the floor by Leona. A few students rushed over to mop up the mess before it dried and stained the floor.

The teachers tried their best to instruct the students despite the chaos. Vil was getting everyone together to help with the new years outfits. (Dont got any srry tho)

Everything was almost perfect. It was almost ready. The students finally got everything ready. They all came together in the cafeteria, all in harmony for once. It was refreshing. Malleus was actually invited too.

"Aren't you excited?" Lilia teased him, seeing as his eyes sparkled with joy.

"Why of course, we can finally celebrate the coming of a new year. A new experience, a new chance. This year everything will change for the better" the fae smiled, lifting his glass of sparkling non-alcohol champagne.

"Is everyone ready!" Trey yelled with a smile. Everyone yelled out in agreement.

"Let's start the countdown! It's almost time!" Cater ran over with his phone, glass of champagne in the other.

This was gonna be the start of a new adventure with everyone. Last year was rough but this year will be better I'm sure. Let's hope for the best as this year counts down to the last seconds.

On the outside, Malleus and Yuu finally manage to get the fireworks to set off at the perfect time. Malleus with manual fire and Yuu on the automatic fire. Now it was time, for the final few seconds of 2023 to slip away.













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I'm a tad late by one minute lmao
I could've gotten this posted earlier if only my friends weren't stopping me 😒
Whatever this works! This year I'll keep you all entertained to the best I can. Pretty sure you've all seen better one shot books.

But this year is no time for negativity! I'm sure you all have heard of the new events that were posted on the twst updates page. I'll try to get those outta the way for chapters 5-6 and then big bang with Diasomnia before the end of this year. Count on me yea?

I'll keep you all happy!

Luv you dearlings! Happy New Year! ❤

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