♨︎ ᥕᥲrᥒ(m)іᥒg - іძіᥲ sһr᥆ᥙძ ♿︎

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𝑃𝑙𝑜𝑡 ~ It's been a couple years since you've all graduated from Night Raven, now you're all in university. You're rooming with Idia Shroud, well from today on that is. The only reason is cause you and Yuu's room is being renovated. Wonder how this'll go?

I'm working on the new book...


"Come on..."

|M| scoffed, having to open the door by himself while carrying a few heavy boxes. The door was open before but some jerk closed it. He placed down the boxes at the entrance before looking around.

"Ay?! What the hell man?" He saw Idia using one of the boxes he brought in yesterday as a foot stool and grabbed it before glaring at the Shroud.

Idia didn't say anything and only looked at him while drinking a monster from a can. |M| rolled his eyes and walked away, Idia watching him walk away before chuckling.

"Got something to say fucker?" The upset male hissed, the flame head sitting upright and looking over at him.

"Maybe? You tell me what you think I want to say and I'll say it" he got up, leaning against the wall and staring down at |M| as he rummaged through one of the boxes.

"Hm, lemme think. Oh! I know, you're going to apologize for using my box of clothes as a fucking foot stool? Oh! Or for locking the fucking door even though your knew I was gonna be coming over!" |M| yelled, dropping whatever he was holding in the box and glaring at Idia. "What ever the fuck, I'm putting my stuff in the room" he scoffed, grabbing the boxes and walking past Idia.

The shroud was stunned for a moment before he turned around and watched |M| walk down the hallway. A chuckle left his lips before he retreated to his room.

When |M| came back out he noticed that Idia wasn't in the living room anymore and instead in his room. He paid no mind to the jerk and took the remaining boxes into his room so he could unpack everything and finally check in with Yuu.


"Nah he's a total bitch" |M| sighed, being on call with Yuu as he got dressed.

"You're better than me though... Imagine having to share a dorm room with Ace and Deuce. These two were so obviously excited when they had to sleep in the same room and acted like it was a burden like- THESE MFERS!!" Yuu raged, obviously wanting to be anywhere but there.

|M| began snickering, hearing the boy yelling again from the speaker of his phone. "S-sorry-.. It's just, you could've gone with Grim so why didn't you?" He asked the prefect while pulling a shirt over his head.

"Grim is annoying as fuck, I love my son but right now I don't wanna hear him cause the bitch was part of the reason were homeless" |M| shook his head at Yuu's reaction. As much as he wasn't wrong, it wasn't entirely Grim's fault for once.

"I get you, but at least it's someone you talk to a lot. Those two are total goofs" |M| laughed, walking over to his bed and flopping onto it, rolling over on his back.

"Yeah and apparently passionate lovers too. I can't find my room key and I was gonna ask Deuce if he had his spare key but oh no, one step by the door and all I hear is fucking..." Yuu cries from the other end, |M| struggling to contain his laughter. "IT'S NOT FUNNY |M|!! WAAAAAHHHH!!" |M| continued laughing, progressively getting louder while wheezing.

He suddenly stopped as there was a knock at his door, he glanced at the door before rolling off his bed.


Rest gonna appear by latest tomorrow I hope
Wait for me until then?

Thx for being supportive
Bye Dearlings ♡♡♡

𝑩𝑨𝑫 𝑻𝑯𝑶𝑼𝑮𝑯𝑻𝑺 /𝑇𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑊𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑂𝑛𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠/Where stories live. Discover now