🎉◇ smіᥣᥱ - ᥴᥲ𝗍ᥱr ᑲძᥲᥡ!!◇

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ITS MY BOY'S BIRTHDAY!! Who needs detailed explanations? It's just time for him to enjoy this day. And I totally wasn't reminded when I saw RoseEmber's stream notification, obviously I have these written down on a calendar. I wanna add like two or three of my OCS cause I feel like it so why not y'know? It's the Cupid, not every OC like but his name is different this time.



"Honestly we should've planned this two days ago" you were only partially panicking. Obviously your nerves were getting the best of you since Cater's birthday was in two days.

Heartslabyul was supposed to plan his birthday party but almost everyone had forgotten about the date to meetup and plan it. So instead you decided to come over and help out.

"Uh huh, can't believe all of you would forget our cheerful senior's birthday! After all he's done for us! Hmph!" the pink haired boy floated around in the rose maze, his arms folded.

"W-we didn't forget! Just..."

"Yeah! How could we forget, it's just some...things we had to do"

Excuse after excuse, almost every student present turned their heads away in shame. Camery scoffed, floating over to Riddle's side. The red head sighed, sending a stern look to all the students.

"You all have no valid reasons as to why you could not show up for the meeting. All I hear are excuses that are completely irrelevant to your absences from the meeting" he placed his hand on his hip, pointing his staff at the students.

"Sorry Housewarden!" They all bowed and apologized. Riddle sighed again, turning to Trey for any information.

"Uh- right. Cater has been posting on his magicam over the past week and all the posts having basically been hinting about his birthday. Safe to saw he's really anticipating this" this only made the dorm feel even more guilty as some checked their phones to see the truth.

You took out your phone too, the first thing that popped up on his feed was a photo he took with you with the caption 'He promised something and I'm gonna get it! ♡♡♡'. There was another with Vil in the background sewing something in his favourite colours and him in the foreground shushing the camera with the caption 'What's Vil making today? 🤔 Those colours look a lil' familiar 🤭' and much more others.

There was even one with a cake recipe that he found in Trey's bedside drawer, it was two photos really. One with the recipe name and another very blurry image of him freaking out over it, the caption being 'OOOOOO TREY WHAT YOU PLANNING?? 😆😆'.

"Jeez and you all didn't attend the meeting... He's clearly gonna be more than disappointed if there's really nothing planned for him. If you wanna feel even more guilty he just posted" you held up you phone and showed the students, a new post from just 4 seconds ago.

It was Cater sitting in his extra classes, the camera angle pointing up since his phone was on his desk. It's was a simple selfie with him looking ahead, he seemed bored. The caption was simple 'Wonder what everyone else is up to. Do you guys think they remember?'.

That did it, that nailed the final guilt stake through every student's conscience. They felt horrible for missing the meeting, turning that guilt into determination.

𝑩𝑨𝑫 𝑻𝑯𝑶𝑼𝑮𝑯𝑻𝑺 /𝑇𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑊𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑂𝑛𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠/Where stories live. Discover now