☁︎ᥣі᥆ᥒ's ᥣ᥆᥎ᥱ - ᥣᥱ᥆ᥒᥲ kіᥒgsᥴһ᥆ᥣᥲr {⍴ᥲr𝗍 1}𓄂

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Ft: Trey, Vil, Epel, - Ruggie(not yet tho)

Fluff (*'˘'*)

This was a cute one honestly


"I'm taking a nap so don't wake me or else you're dead" Leona grumbled as he layed down, trying to fall asleep. An irk mark appeared on my forehead as I stood in front of him with my arms crossed.

"Oh no you don't!" I nudged him with my foot. He rolled over with his back facing me.

"Let me sleep you damn herbivore" he kept his eyes closed, his tail hitting me.

"Oh no you don't! You called me here from Diasomnia to help you with decorating for the festival! Get up and help! It's your dorm" I nudged him harder.

"Then just go back! I don't need your help anymore!"

"Tch! No way! I'm already here so you ARE going to decorate Leona" I shot him a stern glare as he sat up.

He groaned and stood up, shaking off his mane/hair. "Fine, let's just do this already..." he folded his arms over his chest and looked off to the side.

"You're so childish..." I sighed. "Let's just get this done and then you can go back to sleep ok?" I lifted a box of decorative lights and went over to the outside figure out where to put them.

"Fine" he grumbled and came over to help me.

Leona actually helped while I instructed him to at least make the dorm not look like a mess despite its natural state. We did as much as we could. I stood back and looked at our work with a bright smile.

"It's looks great!" I looked at Leona with a grin. He looked away immediately.

"Can I sleep now?" He mumbled.

"Huh? Oh, of course not!" I smiled brighter, hearing him groan. "We now have to help out the other dorms. Ruggie and the others can finish this up...wherever they are" I said the last part quietly.

He sighed angrily as I grabbed his wrist and took him back to the campus. We went through the dark mirror to the first dorm that probably has it the worst.

Heartslabyul; in charge of the food preparation.

As we stepped on the grounds of Heartslabyul, I immediately dragged Leona into the grand dormitory.

As we entered a student ran past carrying a large stack of plates and another carrying cups and saucers.

"Woah-! Sorry..." I stepped further into the dorm and went to the kitchen where Trey was directing students around. I waved to the vice house warden which got his attention.

"Oh M/n you're here! Thank the sevens, I needed more hands. And you brought Leona...somehow..." He tilted his head to look at the mentioned lion behind me.

"Whatever... What do you need me to help with?" he lifted one of his arms as the other hand was on his waist.

"Oh! Just help the others check on the pastries and help with cooking the other foods like the chicken and stuff. If that's not too much!" Trey sweat dropped. Leona nodded and went to help the others which surprised me. And Trey apparently.

"That's odd... How did you convince him to help?" he turned to me. I shrugged. "Told him he could get back to sleep if he helped" I huffed with my hands on my waist.

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