🖤/☁︎ sᥙ𝖿𝖿᥆ᥴᥲ𝗍іᥒg - ȷᥲmіᥣ ᥎і⍴ᥱr 𓆗

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Requested! 🤠

Er...♿︎ too? Maybe 𓋜? Idek

𝑃𝑙𝑜𝑡 ~ He never would've thought that despite such a person being like Kalim, he was tolerable. It was confusing to him, and yet he didn't hate it. Maybe he could become more fond of persons like him. Just maybe.

This bouta be cute :D. That was, until I got song inspiration. Also I accidentally made the ending spicy.


Who would've thought. Someone like Kalim would be at this school. You were very energetic, almost exactly like the albino.

"JAMIIIIIIIIL!" You ran up to the brunette, colliding with his back as your arms wrapped around him. He sighed and turned around, carefully removing your arms from him.

"What is it? Don't you have a club meeting to get to?" He looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. You tilted your head, replacing your confused gaze with a large smile.

"I wanna watch you practice! Can I, can I?" You waited expectantly, Jamil silently groaning before sighing.

"It probably might make Floyd motivated so why not" he turned to walk away, you immediately walked behind him, excited to watch him practice.

He went to change as soon as you both entered the basketball court. You looked around with a glowing aura, Floyd spotting you. He ran over, picking you up easily and spining you around in a tight hug.

"Floyd!" You squeezed him back, hearing his iconic laugh.

"Hey there little starfish~ What brings you here?" He put you down, placing his hand on your head.

"I'm here to watch Jamil practice!" Your eyes sparkled as you spoke, your attention being grabbed by Ace who was staring at you. You waved at him, Floyd turning around to look at the ginger.

You were looking mostly at the top of his head where you could vaguely remember an anemone once being on top of. It was super silly when you saw him walking around with the thing making funny sounds every time it bounced.

You three continued the random staring contest that you would've won but you got distracted when Jamil came out of the locker rooms. It was about time for warmups and a little bit of practice. He shooed you off to the stands so you wouldn't get in the way of the ball.

You watched happily, excited everytime Jamil shot. He looked so determined, though for some reason you saw something different than his usual self. Or was it different? He looked the same but he looked happier or like he was anticipating something.

"Eh maybe I'm just thinking too much into this. Jamil's always like this...right?" You tapped you chin in thought, not hearing the shouts from the court.

"|M| WATCH OUT!" you heard Jamil's voice.

"Huh?-" the basketball flew straight at you, hitting you square in the forehead. It bounced back and landed on the court, bouncing a few times before rolling to Ace's feet.

Jamil ran over to you, lifting you to sit up as you sniffled. There was a red bump on your forehead that made your head hurt a lot. The brunette sighed in relief before lifting you into his arms.

"Knew this was a bad idea" he muttered, running to the nurse's office while Ace, Floyd and the other members stood in silence.

"Well that sucked" Floyd rolled his eyes before turning to the culprit, an Octavinelle freshman. He grabbed the boy by his shirt with a sinister look on his face.

𝑩𝑨𝑫 𝑻𝑯𝑶𝑼𝑮𝑯𝑻𝑺 /𝑇𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑊𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑂𝑛𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠/Where stories live. Discover now