Chapter 1 Target

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  The most representative bustling place in Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, is definitely a shopping paradise that can be ranked even in the world.

  In the simplest sentence here, as long as you have money! You can definitely find whatever you want.

  High-end fashion, all kinds of jewelry, electrical appliances, luxury goods, etc., the goods sold cover all aspects of daily life. Famous cars and famous watches are really just trivial things in this place. If you don't have a certain wealth, you really have to muster up a lot of courage if you want to go to certain places in this area.

  Rich nightlife has always belonged only to the rich. Just like now, even though it is already past nine o'clock in the evening, the flow of people on this street is still unabated.

  Different from those few rich people, ordinary people here can only wander around in the various small shops scattered on the street to pick up one or two things besides having an eye craving.

  They can't afford the big ones, so it's not a problem to pick out a few gadgets at random.

  "Hi guest, you have chosen a manga version of Naruto and a set of medical ninja doujinshi, the total price is 29,600 yen." Located at the corner of the street, a five-story manga doujinshi In the store, a young boy wearing a white and blue uniform and a hat of the same color, reported the detailed consumption list to the customer in front of him, then stretched out his hands and took the package with a smile on his face. Thirty thousand yen.

  After collecting the money, giving the change, and handing the change back to the other party, he pulled out the bag and packaged the two sets of comics chosen by the customer and handed them over respectfully.

  "Thank you for coming, I hope you can come often." He bowed slightly, watched the other party go away, checked the monitor around him, and found that there were no other customers in the store, then he took off the hat on his head , casually grabbing the long black hair that slid to his shoulders, let out a long breath.

  Sixteen years have passed since he was born into this world.

  How many years did it take from the initial fear and fear to getting used to the life here? More than ten years.

  I thought I was reborn in Japan in this life, but it wasn't until I grew up that I suddenly realized that this country is very different from the country I knew in my previous life. Not to mention that the names of those neighboring leaders are completely different, and even many things that happened in previous history are gone.

  At first he thought he was reborn in a parallel world, but a few years ago he finally knew what this place was.

  Damn, this is not Japan at all! Here is...

  "Ah-ah-ah-lian! I love you! Look here, look here!"

  Accompanied by this voice, the veins on his forehead couldn't help twitching, and he looked up fiercely glancing at the LCD TV hanging on the wall, he gritted his teeth fiercely.

  Well, he just doesn't get it.

  Why is that man on TV so popular! Not to mention the entertainment news at all times, he is also indispensable on the top street of Ginza in Tokyo!

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