Chapter 27 I waited for

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        Three days of location shooting, whether it was long or short.

  Whether it is easy or not is really a question of the beholder and the wise.

  Is it hard? Of course not.

  Compared with those guys who secretly cried for their parents and mothers, Arimori Hideichi felt that the shooting work of this location was too relaxed and comfortable.


  More than 20 scenes have been passed in one go, and a genius boy who has never tried NG since he joined the crew, how can he understand the thoughts of ordinary people who are frequently scolded and irritated.

  Well, needless to say, he has naturally become the unanimous public enemy of the young actors in the crew.

  The reason is very simple! Whoever made Kurosaki Akira unmoved would compare him with those people.

  No matter what, a rookie can perform better than you guys. What are you talking about, why are you not even as good as a kid. It certainly sounds harsh! But what do you want those people to refute?

  The strength of other people's children is there, no matter what you say, you are so wrong.

  Fortunately, after suffering for so many days, I was finally liberated. After returning to Tokyo, I really had to reward myself and relieve the pain of living in purgatory for thirty years.

  Shooting, NG.

  Shoot, pass.

  And again and again and again and again. After repeated repetitions, just when everyone felt completely numb, the demanding Akira Kurosaki finally let go and called CUT, allowing the last scene of the location shooting to pass.

  What's next?

  Of course, each went back to each house and each found his own mother. Those who have a job continue to go to the next job site, and those who don't have a job naturally go to do whatever they want.

  Looking at those young people who gather in twos and threes and talk endlessly, discussing where to go to relax.

 Arimori Hideichi sighed a little funny and patted the dust on the shoe surface, stood up expressionlessly and walked out.

  blend in with them?

  Do not joke!

  How could he have time to deal with those guys!

  If you are ignored by them, just be ignored by them. Anyway, for him, those who feel good about themselves will not be of any help.

  I got on the special bus that NHK was responsible for sending the actors back to Tokyo, and took a nap during the nearly three hours of free time along the way.

  When he opened his eyes again, it was already time for the vehicles to drive into the gate of NHM, and it was time for the cast and crew to get out of the vehicles.

  Sitting on the seat, he waited until the people in front had almost left, then straightened his clothes and tidied up his long hair, and fortunately he was the last one to get out of the car with his belongings.

  Toma Nakata? Akira Kurosaki?

  Of course, everyone has their own things to do.

  He is not a piece of treasure, as for being held in the palm of someone's hand all the time for fear of falling or falling or disappearing. Speaking of which, it's good that he is the most familiar with those two people, but he can't always rely on them.

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