Chapter 43 Snow Kiss

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  What is the price of fame?

  Endless work, life-like, traveling from east to west and from south to north.

  Although I had been mentally prepared for a long time ago, when things happened to me, Hideichi Arimori truly experienced the pain and joy, which was enjoyable and at the same time very frustrating. feeling.

  Commercials were filmed one after another, according to the requirements of different directors, either laughing happily or sadly.

 Acting is very enjoyable, but this situation without even a little rest time really makes people unable to get used to it all of a sudden.

  Since the finale of "Warring States" was filmed, he didn't even return home for nearly a week.

  At the end of the day, either at this company or at that TV station. When sleepy and tired, most of them choose the nearest hotel or hotel for rest.

 It is no exaggeration to say that in just a few days, he has almost traveled all over the country, large and small.

  Today is clothing, and tomorrow is accessories. After busying one item at a time, he finally sees the hope of relaxing.

  Because, as long as he finishes shooting the chocolate commercial in front of him, he will finally be liberated!


  "Melting like snow, let my love... fill your heart."

  In the picture, fair and slender fingers take out a pink heart-shaped chocolate from the gold foil packaging, and slowly stick it on the gentle kiss on the curved, plump and moist lips.

  Amidst the unbearable inhalation and swallowing of saliva from the surrounding crowd, when the finger left his lips again, the candy that was held in his hand and kissed had already been put in front of him, his face was blushing and his eyes were full In the mouth of the drunk girl.

  With a bright smile on the corner of his mouth, he leaned down and whispered in the girl's ear.

  He obviously didn't do anything else, the girl in his arms was so excited that it seemed like it could explode, and the violent heartbeat could not be stopped no matter what.


  "Minakami! Why are you being a nympho again?! No matter how much you like eating Arimori-kun's chocolate, please finish the work first?!"

  The girl who was dazed and fascinated by the beauty shook her body and suddenly woke up.

 She was covering her flushed cheeks, leaning on the young man in front of her with the candy in her mouth that she was unwilling to spit out no matter what, and she lowered her head and refused to come out, pretending to be an ostrich.

  The sixth time...

  It turned out to be the sixth time!

  Akina Minakami, a new idol in the Japanese pop music scene, lost her composure in front of the same man and the same action six times! ?

  The first time and the second time can be said to be accidents, but after the third time and the fourth time I warned myself, it is really unreasonable that such a situation still happened.

  What is this guy in front of you?

  Isn't it just Hideichi Arimori who made his debut with a month of red and overshadowed the sun!

  He just stood there and smiled at her, kissed the chocolate in his hand and put it in his mouth... She actually stood there in a daze like an idiot? !

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