Chapter 49: Whose fault

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   Ren Tsuruga.

  What did you just do?

  What on earth did you just... do? !

  Staring blankly at his hands, he listened to the violent panting of the young man surrounded by the crowd a few steps away. Because the man who was too involved in the heart of the character brought out some memories of the man, the annoyance in his heart at this moment cannot be described in words.

  Obviously just a character with strong emotional conflict, obviously just a man whose relationship is on the verge of collapse. Haven't you always known it in your heart? How did the final result become what it is now?

  Fortunately, the child saw something wrong and decisively broke away from his restraints. If it is slower, I am afraid that the consequences will not be as simple as before.

  "Hideichi, Hideichi! How are you?"

  Witnessing such danger with her own eyes, how could Mogami Kyoko feel other than shock? ! Seeing her best friend being pinched by someone's neck with her own eyes, seeing him struggling constantly because of the pain...

  If it wasn't for her friend breaking free from the other's control when she came back to her senses, she would really I wish I could kick that hateful guy off the stage.


  How can this be called acting? !

  If it hadn't been for the shouting from the audience that stunned the guy for a moment, her good friend's situation would have been many times worse than it is now!

  "Hideichi, you... your neck is already blue, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, what that man did!"

       Hideichi Arimori responded with a relieved smile to the tearful girl in front of him.

    He tried to move his unconscious Adam's apple, and after finding nothing wrong, he cleared his voice and continued.

  "Okay, you, look. I'm all right, this little injury will recover after a short rest."

  Can you recover after a short rest?

  How can this be!

  Seeing her good friend's nonchalant expression, Mogami Kyoko was very angry. She really couldn't understand that what happened just now was so serious, why did he think it was no big deal when he said it to himself?

  Doesn't he know?

  If the person just now had more strength, the pinching time would have been longer! His life could very well be... Damn Tsuruga Ren! Gotta make this guy pay!

  The girl couldn't hold back the anger in her heart, she stood up and planned to rush over to seek justice for her friend. But she didn't expect that she had just taken a step and before the sound came out, her arm had already been grabbed and fixed in place.


  "Kyoko, forget it."

  "Look, didn't President Takarada teach him a lesson? Besides, these injuries, except for a little pain, are not serious. In that case, one more thing It's better to have one less thing to worry about."

  He thanked the heads of departments who were surrounding him to check on his physical condition in a low voice. Hideichi Arimori, who did not intend to pursue the matter further, grabbed the palm that Takenori stretched out in front of him and lifted it from the floor. Stood up.

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