Chapter 10

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       The opening script is very thin, that is, the thickness of more than ten pages.

  After holding it in his hand and carefully flipping through it, Hideichi Arimori's uneasy mind calmed down somewhat.

  The description of the plot in the script is very simple. Except for the most basic dialogue, the description of the scene and characters is just a few simple words.

  This situation is definitely the most popular thing to do to old actors. Because without the constraints of the prescribed framework, these experienced veteran actors can completely play whatever they want based on their own understanding of the characters in the script, and act as they want.

  But what about the inexperienced rookies? Facing this greatest and most beautiful freedom is like facing a death talisman.

  Expressions, demeanor, there is no text as a reference at all, and it is a matter of rushing and flustering. It can be adjusted once or twice by CUT. Once the number of times is too high, it is inevitable to be replaced by a director with high requirements.

  Hehe, speaking of it, shouldn't he feel lucky to have Hideichi Mori?

  Fortunately, compared with those newcomers who have acted in few dramas, obviously lack experience, and have far less life experience, at least I have more life experience and experience than them?

  Just, how far can he go with the help of these experiences? Can he escape the fate of being replaced? None of these things are known yet.

  But! Anyway, he really started to look forward to this shooting.

  Sitting in the dressing room, letting the stylist smear on his face for more than ten minutes, Arimori Hideichi closed his eyes and thought over and over again the possible scenes in the first scene.

  Eyes, movements, expressions, and various reactions that the opponent may have.

  Once these things are prepared in advance, even if there is an unexpected situation during the shooting, he is absolutely confident...

  "Arimori-kun, your makeup is ready."

  "Although the time has not yet come, I personally suggest that you should go there as soon as possible. In terms of Director Kurosaki's temper in the past, he doesn't like to wait for people."

        "Well, thank you for your advice, senior Qianhui, this junior understands already."

  With a smile on his face, he nodded and thanked respectfully, and Hideichi Arimori slowly opened his eyes.

  When he saw the reflection in the mirror for the first time, he was taken aback for a moment, and touched his smooth and white chin with his hands in disbelief. He didn't accept the incomprehensible reality in front of him until he saw the figure reflected in the mirror perform exactly the same movements as him.

  "Senior, you are really amazing!"

  "I am already sixteen years old, how did you draw me so small? It is really the same as the characters in the script, twelve or thirteen years old!"

  Arimori Hideichi turned around, looked surprised at the middle-aged woman who was standing behind him and laughed alone, and made an expression of admiration, waiting until the other's palm touched his. At the top of his head, he restrained his deliberate actions.

  "It's okay, you little brat." The middle-aged woman who was in charge of the styling of the entire drama and was honored as Miss Qianhui by everyone in this industry patted the forehead of the young man on the seat with a hint of meaning. Said.

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