Chapter 42 After the drama

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  The “Warring States” drama ended yesterday, dominating the peak and dominating the crowd! '

  'The passing of an era, the beginning of an era! '

  'Toma Nakata's contract expired, and he joined LME with a high profile, or will usher in a second spring in his acting career? ! '


  All kinds of titles similar to this quickly occupied the prominent position of the entertainment section of the latest newspaper and magazine on the second day after the finale of "Warring States" was broadcast.

  The clear black and white text, the sensuality and the commentary with clear stills, not only made a complete review of the whole series from the plot, but also listed the amazing miracles created by this TV series from all aspects.

  The level of ratings, the amount of production funds, and the number of stars who starred in friendly guest appearances.

  Of course, in addition to these, Nakata Toma, who succeeded in turning over with the role of Oda Nobunaga, and Arimori Shuichi, who succeeded in taking the role of Mori Ranmaru, are indispensable.

  Looking back at this time, these two people are really different extremes.

  The former, who has worked hard in this industry for decades, finally came to the fore. The latter, although it's been less than a month since his debut, is so popular that ninety-nine percent of the artists are absolutely jealous.

  Young, good-looking, and acting skills are not to mention. He has become so popular just after his debut, if he matures over time, what kind of achievements will he reach in the future?

  Also, what is the brokerage company behind it?

  LME ah.

  Judging from the current situation, it is not enough for people to hold the contract of first-line artist Tsuruga Lian, and it is necessary to win another new star comparable to him in a short period of time.

  Looking at the advertisements on the TV, and then looking at the more and more endorsements in the advertisements, it really makes people sigh that the same people are not the same.

  "Lian, I'm coming in."

  There were a few clear knocks on the door, and with the sound of the door being pushed open with a smack, She Xingyi walked in from outside the room.

  "Lian, I just confirmed with the producer that the recording time of the next show is set to be thirty minutes later. Why don't you just sit here and rest... Lian! You... When did you start reading the newspaper?

  "As soon as the man in the light-colored suit entered the room, he immediately noticed his partner's strange behavior. read newspaper? What is this strange phenomenon? !

  With the uncle's attitude of not caring about anything other than filming, the chances of this scene happening now are really similar to winning the lottery for three consecutive days.

  In addition, didn't he filmed the whole night last night? He should take the time to rest now, why is it abnormal...


     "Mr. Yashiro, you are back"

        There was one more person, the black-haired man sitting on the chair put down his hands and flipped through the entertainment newspaper, pressed his hand on the swollen bridge of his nose, and turned his chair to look over.

  "Has the recording time of the program been determined?"

      Has the recording time of the program been determined? How dare you ask me if the recording time of the show has been confirmed? It turns out that what I just said was in vain.

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